Two NATO members, America with its Christian zombies and Turkey with its Muslim zombies, are now 'at war' with each other, by proxy. But one has to look at the bigger picture to understand why I'm saying this.
Yesterday, Erdogan sent in fighter jets to attack the Kurdish rebel stronghold in Syria. This comes in retaliation after a few Muslim zombies from that region went to Ankara last week to blew themselves up into Fairyland.
The Kurds as ethnic group are making up the majority of the rebels in Syria, and Erdogan's regime sees them as terrorists. Which they are. However, the Kurds are backed by the USA, because they fought with the US against ISIL after 9/11.
On the other side is Assad, the slender psychopath leader of Syria that would rather destroy his once beautiful country in a 13-year long war to rule over the ashes, than grant the Kurds the independent republic they deserve.
The Kurds lay claim to land stretching over the corners of Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, where this ethnic group formed the majority for centuries. So they do deserve to rule themselves, technically, but nobody wants to grant them that right. Being Muslims, they resorted to the blow up strategy, and godsnot in their unstable reasoning is definitely playing a role in that idiotic way of solving problems.
Syria is militarily backed by Russia, America's arch enemy. Turkey is playing both sides of the fence, as is the treacherous India doing. But thanks to the latest bombing, Erdogan is increasingly leaning towards Russia, not just against the USA but also against the EU.
This can be seen, as one of many examples, in his earlier refusal to sign off on Sweden joining NATO together with Finland. Of course it is just plain childish, it risks the lives of innocent Swedes.
And why, what reason did Erdogan cited? Because of godsnot only in his head, that's why. While Turkey is officially secular, it's that in name only. The former Ottoman empire is still a Muslim nest through and through, and as we can see in every country besotted by junk fables, them zombies go haywire without warning.
Sweden, being democratic and free and progressive and peaceful and prosperous, allowed one of their countrymen to burn an outdated book with the pedophile prophet Muhammad in it, as an act of protest. It's that guy's right to burn any book, and although it's a revolting thing to burn a book, burning a religious book is the exemption. Was it me, I would have pissed on that Quran too.
But then the Muslims in Turkey exploded in protests everywhere (including in Sweden), there were some deaths as a result, acts of physical violence and more, all only to show an imaginary junk allah how peaceful and loving they are.
Hungary and now Slovakia is currently for all practical purposes already in Russia's pocket. Russia's propaganda department has its tentacles spread far and wide, with the dead Wagner chief Yevgeniy Prigozhin famously having a troll farm to influence elections and what people believe the world over.
Turkey has been the matchmaker between the West and the East for the past few decades, pretending to hold a neutral stance despite being a NATO member, and it flexes a lot of muscle both politically and militarily. Should Turkey open the migration floodgates, Africans will flood free Europe by the millions, literally.
Also lately was the short war in 2020 and then the very recent conflict between Armenia (strongly leaning towards the West, and Christian) and the stronger Azerbaijan (Muslim, and heavy pro-Russian.)
Around two weeks ago in a blitzkrieg, Azerbaijan attacked Armenian rebels that wanted to form a breakaway republic, on internationally-recognized Azerbaijani land called the Nogoro Karabagh region, with the majority of the population in that region being Armenians. So it's a mess-up, right.
Almost all of the Armenians that lived since forever in that region fled to Armenia, in a conflict the latter lost spectacularly. Lots of bad blood now between those two ethnic groups, and with them having different strains of the same mental illness (religion), it's very likely they'll attack each other again.
By international law, Azerbaijan was fully within its rights to stifle a rebellion. That it caused a humanitarian disaster in the process, with 120 000 people leaving behind everything they owned as they fled to Armenia, is something the international community can only mumble about. It's not as if the Azerbaijani government forced them to flee.
The Azerbaijan government played its cards like a master, and it's no secret that Putin held talks with their leadership since 2020. For long now rumors of attempted genocide against the Armenian inhabitants of that enclave were spiraling, and the most recent clash was just the final straw for everyone.
Putin, master strategist that he is, had a hand in the Azerbaijan conflict, just like his brilliant propaganda department had a hand in influencing citizens of other countries that swayed to Russia's side after elections the past two years.
By using Ukrainian grain as a trump card, refusing to let it leave the ports of Odessa and elsewhere to desperate African countries, inflation and food prices skyrocketed in all North African countries that were dependant on Ukrainian grain. Tunisia, Morocco, and others were very hard hit.
Result: Illegal immigration to white man land across the narrow ocean strait. With Turkey being one of the countries having some leverage to prevent those migrants from spilling further into Europe. Spain and Italy, on the other hand, are at their wits' end in how to deal with the avalanche of blackies, and Putin is playing that card hard.
And the logical response to that: Citizens of EU countries started to vote for right-wing parties that have a hard stance against illegal migration. Those parties tend to have religious leaders, and as we know, people with godsnot don't think rationally. So they lean towards Russia, their voters do, and the politicians running those political parties score. Because, under increasingly oppressive governments, politicians gain more power.
Understanding how people think and how they will act, that is something Putin excels in. I remain amazed how many intellectuals still underestimate the Russian war criminal.
During the pandemic, at least the first two years, Putin practically went into hiding. He isolated himself to such a degree that anyone wanting to see him at his mansion in Sochi for just two minutes, had to go through an elaborate disinfection ritual that took an hour. Even then they had to stand 150 feet away from him, and this even applied to his bodyguards too.
For 24 months or more, Putin became a recluse. And what are such people good at? Thinking. Brooding. Planning. Plotting.
Right now, Azerbaijan is cupping the EU's balls. After the latter cut oil and gas ties with Russia last year due to the Ukraine invasion, Azerbaijan stepped in as energy supplier. Now it has major political leverage over the EU, paralyzing Brussels from criticizing the zombie nest too hard. With Putin rubbing his hands in the background.
The bastion of democracy, the USA, that guarantees all of us in the free West the right to call out our leaders when they screw up, is increasingly being isolated on the world stage. Russia and China are both building out their leverage, which is very bad news for all you peasants. Once under the sphere of influence of Russia, even leaders in the EU will start acting autocratic and intolerant of criticism.
It should be noted that Biden is not to blame, it was Trump's administration that gave Russia and China the gap to step up. Putin's plans to destroy the overpopulated world started taking shape when Trump took office.
Currently we have a number of hot conflicts, all unresolved, busy to melt together. Each of every other major multinational war in history started between the big powers first doing proxy wars, before it spilled over to become one big war. Even during the Cold War did we not see such a conglomerate of powers all teaming up, during such a short period.
Add to this the threat that artificial intelligence in the hands of militaries now play, exciting drone technology and many major military technologies developed that burns to be tested in battle, and climate change that robs entire countries of food and water security that leads to mass migration, and the table is set for WW3 this decade.
Epidemiologists also warned that another pandemic is set to break out this decade again, which will up the ante for a conflict across continents even further.
Early this morning, the Muslim zombies in Palestina under the rule of Hamas launched a major attack on Israel, the biggest ever. So much so that the far-right Netanyahu said Israel is at war, very strong terminology not used since 1967.
By the time of writing this, hundreds of people died in 12 hours on both sides, and another 2300 wounded. You know, the people we soon forget about, while they enter life now without an arm or leg or eye for the rest of their lives.
Let's focus on the dead that don't care anymore, while forgetting about the wounded that we should care about.
It is indeed a major conflict developing now in Palestina, with the leaderships on both sides heavily infected with religious reasoning too.
Hamas fired an astonishing 5000 rockets over the border into Israel, overwhelming both the latter's famous 'iron dome' and the god-thing that Jews introduced to the world. Or maybe that junk god was asleep, because he certainly didn't honor the promise in the Bible that he would protect his children.
Then, under cover of the noise and havoc, the Muslims invaded Israel by land, by sea, and by air. Absolutely unbelievable, with everyone now asking why neither the competent Mossad intelligence agency nor the American NSA picked up any intel beforehand. As I'm typing this, Muslims are holding Christian civilians and Israeli soldiers hostage, a clever move by Hamas.
But where did all that armament came from? Iran is being suspected as the supplier, and Iran is an ally of Russia. Israel, while initially being on the fence regarding the Ukraine war despite being an American ally (probably to first check where they could make the most money?), started leaning towards the USA and Ukraine at last this year, something that Putin didn't like.
So my reasoning goes like this: Putin told Iran to supply Hamas, and Israel is now too busy with its own war than to bother with other international affairs. In a nutshell.
I fully expect that Putin moved similar chess pieces elsewhere in the world, like in Mali, Niger, Sudan, and other African countries with their new conflicts, and that he has more cards up his sleeve. It's not by coincidence that the Wagner group is increasing its foothold in Africa, under Putin's control after the demise of Yevgeniy Prigozhin.
By instigating several wars everywhere, it becomes very difficult for the free West to focus on Russia and Ukraine only. Those Western countries have various interests in those countries, and new conflicts divert their attention away from 'just another war in Ukraine.'
Many allies in NATO support opposite sides of two new countries at war, thus threatening the hegemony of NATO itself. Turkey's attacks on an American 'ally' in Syria is a prelude of what is to happen elsewhere in the world too between countries that are supposed to be on the same side.
A brilliant, but very dangerous strategy by Putin, and with the democratic West not able to counter it fast enough.
Two other quick notes before I conclude: Despite the most severe sanctions ever levied against a country, the Russian economy is busy growing again.
And secondly, Russia unveiled a new - and the first ever - nuclear-powered intercontinental ballistic missile (cover pic of this article.) It was also already successfully tested.
What are the implications? In short, that missile can travel around the world for years all on its own, while avoiding being shot down by any NATO country, to hit a target even years later. Add AI to its computer box and a nuclear bomb as payload, and one can understand its danger. Russia is now the first and only country having such a dangerous rocket, with US attempts at building a similar one failing several times over the years.
Learn from history. We are heading unstoppable to WW3 this decade. Heed the signs of the times.
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