'Your type should be killed', 'there is something wrong with you', 'you are a bad specimen of the human race', 'you are a factory fault', 'you are a substandard human being', 'you are a disgrace to your parents.' Imagine having to hear threatening and demeaning things like this everywhere you go. That is the kind of talk that gay people have to put up with daily from religious people.
This morning I came across a screenshot that a friend of mine took of a conversation he had on Facebook with one André Minnaar, a 'technical officer' at the construction company John Holland in Perth, Australia.
Can the construction worker, sorry, the construction officer (there is a difference; the latter may pee on Aboriginals or something) André Minnaar proves that demons exist? Or is it just voices in his head? Can he prove that the god-thing he refers to exist? If not, then he will benefit from a visit to a shrink. Hallucinations while on a job can be dangerous, he may close his eyes to talk to himself in the third person while on a forklift and crashes into drums of dynamite. And the dictionary too makes it clear that delusions are a symptom of mental illness.
Minnaar could just as well then have talked smack about gays using the name of any other fictional book character to justify his obvious hatred towards millions of people that are gay. Yeah mate, in Goldilocks we read that Papa Bear destroyed two bowls of porridge because it tasted like ass. It only sounds silly because you haven't heard it repeatedly enough since childhood to become true in your mind, like you did with the Jewish bedtime stories.
Now let me rush to say I myself am not gay. Since it's a shame to be, right? And also because I'm as straight as a ruler, and I have the testimonials of some pretty women right here. :)
But, and here comes the shocker: I don't concern myself with the sex lives of other people, as long as they don't rape (like the Dros rapist Ninow, a Christian yeah, that even paraded in his church clothes on one of his four profiles) other humans or animals.
For some perverted reason the sex lives of other people are very important to Christians, ask any priest, pastor, and the average zombie. The millions of people that are 'different' are being discriminated against daily in their places of work, and pretty much everywhere they go, all and only because of religious brainwashing. Can you think how it must feel to enter a room and everyone hates you? All because a ridiculous book was repeated so often, that it caused a form of schizophrenia in the people into whose throats it was forced down by their incompetent parents.
Every lie becomes the truth to a person having had to hear it often enough since gullible childhood when every adult had to be believed out of fear. Fact.
Jews are bad. Blacks are bad. Whites are bad. Gays are bad. Apartheid is good. Communism is good. Women are inferior to men. And religion alone is the cause of almost all of that hateful propaganda and its often violent results. Which is why it ain't entire groups or races that are bad, it's religion itself, and the idiots promoting it. Just because cities like Sodom, Gomorrah, and London existed does not mean that either God or Dumbledore existed too. Every successful lie contains an element of truth.
But I digress. Although the above explains the reason why I took the time to write this article. When someone wrongs other purposely, even with subtle subconscious discrimination at work out of religious conviction, sane people like me have to stand up.
André Minnaar hails from the Boland town Worcester in South Africa, before that from Knysna. The latter picturesque town on the Garden Route is of course known today as being one of the main gay capitals of South Shitholia. Funny, huh. Take a look at that face. One can almost see his female side. 😀 No no people, don't say he looks like a butch lesbian. Do not imagine him with make-up on.
His blatant homophobic verbal attacks on gays, that accounts for tens if not hundreds of millions of people, is dragging the name of the Afrikaner through the mud internationally. Especially with whiteys being hunted literally nowadays in South Baboonia by blackies, and trying to get out of that nest to safe Australia.
Afrikaners are a fairly tolerant people these days, although a significant percentage suffers from the mental illness Religionosa Idiotica Virus (RIV; it is like mental Aids.) Hint to the Aussie PM: That makes them easily controllable. So give them visas! Just de-brainwash them at the airport on arrival first, before they infect kangaroos with RIV, and them kangaroos then kicks the crap out of dingo's.
What I find amusing, ironic and outright revolting is that André Minnaar states as fact that 'God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.' Which is what the Bible says too. So using some basic logic, it means that God also still feels that slavery is right, raping women is right (I guess the Dros-rapist is gonna marry that black child victim of him now), and that women are inferior to men. Oh, and that violence against children is right too, just give it a pet name like 'lyfstraf' or 'Doctor André'. I do not know Minnaar personally, but I am willing to bet he is pro-corporal punishment (read: Assaulting a small human in a specific way while calling it 'discipline'.)
Hammering the above orders of one Vuilbaard (my nickname for that cloud daddy of Minnaar) into the gullible subconscious minds of defenseless children always leads to confuckulation of the mind in the victim. You should not kill. You should kill gays, naughty children, divorced women, people working in the Mall on Sundays, Muslims, and more. You should not kill. See the contradiction, dear zombie? Only one can be true, the other is a lie, in a book claiming to contain only truth.
Mental patients in the wild are quick to point out that those orders are in the old testament. Well, so are the Ten Commandments! And God is the same today as he was in the year toot, right? So what was okay back then - assuming for a mental second that the thing exists - is still okay today for God. You should then ask yourself: How sick must a person be between the ears to worship a psychopathic god like that? It is the same as a woman offering her rapist cookies before he leaves. Have some spine man, tell God to voertsek, you are switching over to Liewe Heksie. She did after all fell off her broom to forgive your sins, and she didn't drown any babies. (Repeat it enough to a child, and he will believe the silly out of it.)
Homosexuality is as old as mankind's cave days. Tens or hundreds of millions of people are gay. Did they drink something in the water that turned them gay? Did the absence of a father figure turned them gay? According to many research studies by credible scientists, no. People are born that way. It is perfectly normal, just as normal as the fact that many women cannot have children, and that some babies are born with vestigial tails. It is the result of evolutionary processes, the very evolution that Christians deny, and therefore per se are saying God's factory made a boo-boo.
During times of emotional upheaval the brain falls back on orders stored in the super-fast, yet very biased subjective subconscious mind. Orders like 'women are inferior, they should shut the eff up'. And that is when papa zombie hits his bitch through the snout with the flat hand when the bitch talks back. Of course I am not saying Minnaar is guilty of this, what I am saying is that he underwrites a book - and most certainly rammed it down the throats of his children as truth that must be obeyed - that contains a plethora of dangerous orders that encourages violent acts like that. So what is the difference between a guy saying 'They should be stoned to death' and 'I shot the hell out of them', is both not wrong?
As we know from history and today's newspapers, every now and then a zombie's head goes haywire and he then follows one of those orders. Like killing someone based on race, gender or religion. Several cases of mothers drowning their own babies 'because Jesus told them to do it' in the tub happened in just the past few years. Family suicides, with notes that read 'they will be safer with a book character I cannot prove to exist.'
Yes, religion is a dangerous mental illness. This is why Minnaar's dangerous views on homosexuality that he justifies with a filthy book is dangerous, wrong, and should be dealt with.
Granted, RIV makes its victims dishonest, so that they preach one thing yet do another. Hypocrisy, yes, go check in the real book of truth called Any Dictionary. But a victim often subtly discriminates against others without even realizing it, due to RIV. 'Hey, Sipho, here is your coffee. You are black, so you have a special mug. Since the Bible says you are from Gam and thus inferior.' See what I mean? It is not being said out loud of course, out of fear of reprisal, but the subtle discrimination justified as a result of religious indoctrination is there, and it happens daily to like a billion people around the globe. Again, not saying Minnaar did this specifically, it is a general example.
Baas André Minnaar started working in 2007 at the construction company John Holland in Perth. They call themselves a 'fully integrated infrastructure and property company.'
Now I am just wondering, is extra sand being integrated instead of cement when a house for a gay person gets build? You guess right, I am wondering what type of company will employ someone like André Minnaar.
Is the boss of John Holland - I have no idea what his name is, lol - maybe a homogay-hater as well? Does he picks up the phone and calls Minnaar with an order that sounds like 'Hey baby, we gotta build a house for a fag. Just get the right color pink this time, okay? And remember the sand, so the place can collapse on the fags in five years and send them to Gifappeltjieland.'
For some reason this story is going viral on Facebook and other social media. The zombie media, Maroela Media, apparently also carried an article, or so I have heard. Have not checked it out yet, but I bet the comments there are rife with anti-gay sentiment. As the Bad Book teaches all boerbare.
On Facebook itself a number of people displayed their disgust with the cave constructor.
After I wrote a quick post on FB and it gotten shared by some people, a lot of comments streamed in, from people trying to justify their urges not to grant other people the same human rights they want for themselves, to the better type of person that made tiger-sounds in the direction of the caveman.
Some inferior humans (hey, I am quoting from their own bundle of joy book here!) defended The Caveman quite viciously. Like this blue buffy muff bluff named Frank Cornelissen. All scientists and all studies lie, and he's right, okay.
(Hey Frankie-boy, Ou Vuilbaard sees you're too afraid to spell out his name, and he thinks you're a pussy.)
This Frank Cornelissen said he does not believe his god-thingy can make mistakes. Right, the blue buffy muff bluff had set himself up for this.
According to the Great Jewish Book of Bedtime Stories, God planned everyone's life even before birth. Frankie knows that. Therefore, if Vuilbaard does not make mistakes, he made gays gay, or at the very least planned that they should want to be gay. Effectively Cornelissen with his hatred for homosexuality thus is saying that God' s plan is far from perfect. Am I not right? Is that not basic logic?
I will absolutely book a front row seat on Cloud 9 to see how Frankfurtertjie tells this to his Fairy Daddy, if he already now doesn't have the guts to type out the psycho's name properly. Wear brown pants, Frankie.
John Holland Construction are involved in trains for the Canberra Metro, aptly painted red. As we know, red fades fairly quickly in Australia's harsh sun to a lovely pink. A gay pink, I may add. I would therefore like to suggest that the trains get called Canberra Closet trains. You know, what do you do on a train when it stops? You get out. You go be yourself. And you stop discriminating against others that does not fit into your train of thought.
Australia is a beautiful country, and for the past decade since the cangaroos there got internet too sanity is winning the race against ARIS (acquired religionosa idiotica syndrome; i.e mental AIDS.) Many sources regard the country now as an atheistic country, and with atheism comes humanism. To care for each other, and not to screw over others, because we have just this one life and one planet. Do companies like John Holland that employs hateful bigots (okay, at least the one) still have a role to play in society? Should companies not uphold the dignity of all people, and should their choice of employees not reflect that?
You and your talking pet snake decide.
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