He was called up under the country's laws, and served well enough to be promoted to commander of a unit in the Ukraine Armed Forces. He didn't fought to invade another country, he didn't invade Russia. He only complied with what the moral right thing was to do, he defended himself, his family, his country, and possibly even the whole free West.
Every day, the Ukrainian army loses between 50 and 200 soldiers. Multiply that with a full month. They die, and rarely fast. It's a horrendous death to die on a battlefield.
We that watches from the outside, hears only the casualties numbers. We don't hear about those that were injured but survived. We don't think about how they look when they return home.
Think about this, next time you want to be so immoral to support Russia. If your country gets invaded or attacked, this may very well happen to you. This true hero just a short brutal year ago, didn't expect for a second to ever get into a war. What life is awaiting him now? Will his wife stick with him? For how long? What fate awaits him if Russia should win?
As the world becomes more dangerous, any of us may be in a war just months from now. You may say in disbelief, never, not me, not my country. Well, guess who else said that too.
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