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Thursday, January 26, 2023

'The One Year War' will make you a peasant laughed at by the Elite

The Russian army is literally smuggling thousands of soldiers inside empty tanks, those that transports oil and gas and liquids on trains, to Belarus. This in a move to try and conceal the large-scale movement of troops to Belarus, with its border being quite close to Ukraine's capital city, to fool Western spy satellites about where Russian soldiers are and how many of them.

The number of Russian troops now 'in hiding' in Belarus may far exceed what the West and Ukraine guesstimate. There must be a concerning reason for this, with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of soldiers laying in wait in Belarus. And keeping them there for months just won't make sense.

Russia will start a mind-blowing, massive offensive on 24 February this year, with the date being my prediction. It's known that both the Russians and Ukrainians add a lot of significance to commemoration dates. 24 February 2023 will mark one year since Russia invaded Ukraine and attempted to take its capital Kyiv the same day with a gang of elite paratroopers. They failed spectacularly.

Then. They failed then. And Putin no likey to losey.

I believe they'll try and take the capital again on 24 February this year, less than a month from now. Keep in mind that the advanced air defense systems Ukraine received from the West, are almost all at the frontline far away in the Donbass.

Russia now has its largest number of war ships ever together at once on the Black Sea. A massive troop build-up is happening in the Donbass too.

South. East. North. Leaving only the West via the city Lviv open for those wanting to flee. And we know that torture is an approved strategy by the Russians to deal with their victims, plenty of evidence exist.

I am therefore of the opinion that Russia will strike from three fronts all at once, thanks to vastly more Russian civilians commandeered as soldiers than the 300 000 announced in September by Putin. In fact, it may be up to 2 million young Russians ready to invade Ukraine all over again.

In future, I may even coin this 'special military operation' by the term 'The One Year War'. And, as they proved last year, Russians that were ordinary civilians just a week before, have no respect even for the dead and they know the weight of their tanks.

To counter the coming offensive, President Zelensky of Ukraine enacted new measures to draw in more of his civilians as troops to try and fend off the expected onslaught. Ukrainian deserters now face tougher penalties, and may even - although not officially approved - get shot by their fellow soldiers. (Russia officially allow for deserters to be shot.)

Meanwhile, the 31 American Abrams M1 tanks approved yesterday by President Joe Biden will take months to arrive in Ukraine. Germany succumbed under pressure and signed off on sending Leopards 2 tanks, the work horse of tanks in the EU. But, just a lousy 14, out of its stockpile of 350 available.

The Netherlands are set to send more than Germany, 19, by buying their Leopard 2 tanks they're currently leasing from Germany. Poland and Finland are sending tanks too, and so do the UK and France. But in total, it's not even a hundred tanks, while military experts agree with Ukraine's calculations that the latter needs 300 tanks to ward off a successful Russian onslaught.

Let me remind all of you again: If Russia wins and occupy all of Ukraine, and effectively makes it part of the Russian Federation, you will personally be affected, negatively, no matter where in the world you live.

Russia together with its ally China will gain immense economical power, able to bully even Western countries like the UK to do as Russia wants. Or else, face sanctions from your own allies that did succumb to our blackmail. See, I know the Ruskies and the communist doctrine still embedded in their psyche.

Several smaller countries like Moldova and others will have to roll over and become Russian again, after seeing that Russia could beat the West's more advanced technology and crumbles its resolve to win. The 'stan' countries like Kazakhstan and others will have to follow suit.

This will have major economical consequences for every country, with only Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran being the long term winners. One can just imagine how enabled especially Iran and North Korea will feel, and we all know they feel a fuck for human rights. Goodbye to your chances to go play tourist there in relative safety.

Putin is likely to try his luck further, right after he stabilized affairs in the conquered territories, and take on more countries over just five years. These may include NATO members such as Germany and France, as impossible as it sounds, although my guess is that smaller ones like Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and other small but well-developed pro-Western countries will be grabbed first.

What is America going to do then, with many of its allies in Europe in the grip of the masterful Russian propaganda? We've all seen how successful the latter ministry was into dividing the USA over politics, and how every right-wing religiot the world over fell like bags of vodka potatoes for conspiracy junk regarding the effective American vaccines.

Russian propaganda can sway scared EU citizens against America, enough to weaken those countries internally, making for an easier take-over.

Learn from German history, learn how Joseph Goebbels' propaganda ministry convinced the majority of citizens of several European countries to - at least initially - support the Nazi version of 'truth.' It didn't end well for 60 million people, and then no country had atomic weapons.

(The USA only developed nukes by end of WW2, and used it to end the war. Imagine if a totalitarian state like Persia or China developed it first. And now Russia, India, Pakistan, China, and North Korea all have nukes, and Iran will soon have it too. We know how they're treating all women, and how little freedom even men have.)

A win over Ukraine will mean every Russian will believe that it's okay to issue nuclear war threats, and that they'll get away with it, and that they should use it.

With the geopolitically important Ukrainian land under Russian control, and the Cape sea route around South Africa thanks to the immoral scum there selling out SA, and with Brazil and India controlling major water ways too on the geopolitical map, Russia will truly be untouchable and quite literally make every Western country his bitch.

If you like critiquing your government and calling out corruption, and not being controlled by an autocratic regime, you should support Ukraine. Not rocket science. Under Russian rule, you may very easily fall out of a window if you expose an atrocity by the elite.

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