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Thursday, December 8, 2022

Stats and trends say South Africa is about to collapse

South Africa's electricity network is, according to energy experts quoted in 2748 newspapers online, about to collapse. Apparently expected between 30 and 60 days from now. Just as the new business year starts, see, and when all people talk down on how bad the previous year was and how great 2023 will be. Man, are you in for a surprise.

When a country's whole electricity grid goes down, it take weeks to get back online. And then the issues that led to the collapse, will still exist. So it may implode shortly afterwards again.

What is the only option the state-run monopolistic Eskom has to prevent such a fine example of the results of black management? By switching off all electricity to up to half of the country for weeks, even months, so the other half can have some electricity. Eeny meeny miney mow. A kilowatt for me, a candle for you. 

Without regular electricity, cellphone towers stop working. No communication. Back to the bush era before the white man arrived in Africa. Credit card machines will stop working. No fuel transactions, no shopping.

 Actually, most of the internet will go down, except if you can afford expensive satellite connection and have solar panels everywhere. So no porn or FB either. Is that what black people mean with decolonizing (not sure of the spelling) Africa? By destroying the white man's contributions to society? Well, maybe that paradise Zimbabwe next to you isn't that bad with its 90% unemployment after all. 

Basically, South Africa is fucked, absolutely regardless of how optimistic one wants to be over that shithole. When even the religiously-fucked countries Nigeria and Egypt - both plagued by terrorist attacks from mental Aids carriers blowing each other up over who has the most peaceful imaginary friend - overtake South Africa's economy, the warning lights - oops, no electricity for that, and the cables are stolen too - should be bright red. As bright as the blood of the 50 people - nope, old figure from 2016, it's 70 now - getting murdered every single day in that country. Bad Mexican drug cartel hombres are angels compared to many Saffas. 

Just on a side note: During the last part of the apartheid regime, during the 1980's, the country South Africa had more than half of all the railroad tracks in Africa. With trains everywhere, carrying goods and passengers safely and cheaply. Under black rule since 1994, today almost all of it is in shambles. Tracks stolen. Trains vandalized. Train stations broken down to the foundations by black looters. (These are facts, treat yourself to a Wild West experience and visit that shithole.)

In 1994 when the whites handed over political power peacefully to blacks, Eskom had some of the cheapest electricity in the world. And enough capacity to supply 50 million people, with the country having only 35 million people at the time. So the bad apartheid whites planned ahead, and plans were in place to roll out electricity to even the most remote little black village in former buntustans. 

The ANC needed just 20 years to fuck it all up. 

Back in 1998, white energy experts warned the black government that SA wil need to start building new power stations (since each is a ten-year project) and that the existing grid needs to be properly maintained. The properly maintained one the blackies inherited from the whiteys, you know.

But the black man didn't listen. White man advice bad. Want Mercedesi Benzi and fancy lifey. Many white employees at Eskom, with decades of experience, were fired or forced to resign as part of 'affirmative action' and 'black economic empowerment'. What a disaster that turned out to be, as predicted back then already. But hey, South Africans are optimistic, they see a chance to braai (barbecue) when their homes are on fire. 

And so, in 2008, South Africa was hit by countrywide electricity black-outs. A 'war room' was set up by the government. (A war that the incompetent SA government lost, we now know.)

In 2014 and 2015, black-outs hit South Africa again. Second warning. The corrupt piece of superior scum, illiterate president Jacob Zuma, then ordered his deputy, vice-president Cyril Ramaphosa, to fix the electricity issues.

Ramaphosa will save South Africa! And the whiteys cheered. And the nasty black-outs disappeared, and there were white lights everywhere.

But how did Ramaphosa solve the crisis? He didn't solve it, at all. He ordered the equally corrupt and incompetent big black peanut in charge at Eskom, Brian Molefe, to keep the lights on at all costs. Fuck maintenance. Don't switch off any power station for urgent repairs or replacements needed, drive that overworked trucks and frayed conveyer belts and overheated ovens and what have you at full speed. It's okay if it breaks in future, just not now, Best Buddy Brian. Kick the can down the road, make it the next administration's problem. Let's steal enough so we can have the best of the best generators at our mansion when it happens. Fuck our fellow black people living in shacks, fuck responsibility, and fuck doing the right things in the long-term interest of the country. Keep every switch on regardless of what the white energy experts say, Brian. Just call them racist when they point out facts and they'll back-off, Brian. 

Clever corrupt Molefe knew who's the boss. So he obeyed. And he resigned a year or three later, with all the lights still on in the country while power stations became ticking bombs, strained to the brink. He awarded himself an incredible bonus for his 'work' too, something like 33 million Rands, for a few short years of service. Because if every other head of other government departments can do it, with the ANC's approval, why not him? 

And then the chickens came home to roost. 2022. This year, black-outs across South Africa, for 9 out of 10 days. Some areas without electricity for 8 hours a day. Since yesterday, up to 11 hours per 24 hours without electricity.

Who's to blame? Cyril Ramaphosa. Let's stop the excuses. Let's stop giving him chances. He blew it since 2005 already when he started watching his boss Jacob Zuma committing crime, and not doing anything about it for a whopping 14 years. (Actually, he's still not doing anything about it, apart from some warm air speeches against corruption.) Instead, he continues to appoint scandal-ridden, incompetent ministers in his cabinet. While he made many big speeches against corruption, his actions tell the truth. 

The electricity problems could have been prevented, any and all of it, under a proper government. The economy could have grown spectacularly, as economists said was very possible, if the ridiculous labor laws could be dealt with as well. 

Because ANC politicians do not do any part of their work if there's not a sweetener for the back pocket involved, and because it takes time to set up corrupt deals and bribes, the SA government made all the wrong decisions. Or no decisions, when they should have. Like, not allowing the private sector to build capacity and generate electricity, because it's just so much more difficult to organize corrupt deals then, compared to lucrative tenders like the one that caused Eskom to pay 40 Euros for a single broom. Times a thousand of those wonderful flying machines for witches. 

Cyril Ramaphosa became one of the wealthiest men on the planet since his days as school teacher in the 1990s and then union boss, and then working for the government for 17 of that 32 years till now. Anyone picking up some red flags here?

Now the skunk is being accused of corrupt practices, after millions he hid in a fucking couch in his lavish sitting room got stolen 40 days later. (In 2020 already, if I'm not mistaken.) He then allegedly covered up the crime, filed no formal complaint at a cop shop, but abused the South African Poot Squad (SAPS) as his own PI's to track down the criminals as far as Namibia, and then he bribed them to shut up about the burglary. That's some of the allegations that surfaced in South African online media when the story broke in July 2022.

 So many questions. 
 1. How did burglars got access to a state president's house, on a farm full of security measures and guards? 
 2. How did they know to go for that couch, or did they tore up every piece of furniture, and how long did that take, and how cool must one be to do that while knowing security guards and overweight police pigs are around. 
 3. Why not bank that small fortune the next day after receiving it, why hid those many US dollars? Was the vault behind the expensive painting on the wall too full of other loot? 
 4. How did foreign currency like US dollars to that amount got into South Africa after not being declared at Customs & Excise as the law requires?
 5.  Why did it took Crooked Cyril several months after the story broke to start giving answers regarding the matter in parliament, possibly so that all compatriot-crooks could be prepped to sing the same tune?
 6. Why did the buyer of cattle, as Ramaphosa claims the source of the money is, not collect his cattle after two years, why are them four-footed beasts still in SA? 
 7. Why would a buyer all the way from the other side of Earth largest continent, in Egypt, decide to buy cattle in South Africa? And why bring hard cash, instead of a good old fashioned electronic funds transfer? 
 8. What other shady deals did Ramaphosa managed to kept hidden from the public eye? 

British PM Boris Johnson, very capable of doing his job, got fired for having tea on steroids parties during lockdowns in London. But in Africa, leaders stick like shit to a sock to their lucrative jobs.

That's what Ramaphosa is now doing. Instead of stepping down, which would be the moral thing to do, he is taking the damning report compiled by two judges and a senior advocate that investigated the matter, to a specific court that will only hear the case several months from now.

Oh, and courts in SA do not operate during 'load-shedding'. Eskom's inability to get rid of the scum sabotaging their power plants may be to Ramaphosa's benefit. It's anyone's guess when the matter will eventually be heard by the Constitutional Court, and how the judges there will manage to tell South Africa that two other judges and a big ass advocate all got a report wrong. 

Scandals, crimes, shocks, and atrocities are a plentiful in South Africa. By the time Ramaphosa's case is heard, ordinary South Africans won't care anymore, they won't pay attention to it. They'll be preoccupied by the newest disaster caused  by the very party they voted for. Sure the international markets will pay attention, but when the ZAR currency goes like child on a bouncy castle again like the past week, everyone else but the real guilty will be blamed. Apartheid. The white man. Evil Biden. Racist Europe. Etc. Nothing is ever the fault of the black man in Africa. 

Crooked Cyril has the best electric generators at home for his aircons and stuff. Why not hold the trial there? Wink wink. Let's see just how lavish the pathetic president lives on the SA taxpayer's dime. 

South Africans, Cyril Ramaphosa is your problem. The ANC is your problem. They are the cause of you not having da job, they are the ones responsible for you getting robbed this morning. 

But thanks to the low collective IQ in South Africa, polls show that the ANC will still get 50% of the votes in the next general elections. Basically, 7 out of 10 blackies vote ANC, another 10% vote for the even worse EFF that wants to obtain political power via a racial civil war leading to a typical African coup d'etat, while whiteys, brownies and Indians vote for the other 30+ political parties in South Shitholia. 

Not having your future and dreams fucked up enough? Then vote ANC again. With so many options available for proper government, WTF is wrong with you people that support Ramaphosa, the ANC, and the EFF?  

In the meanwhile, investors will withdraw en masse from SA in 2023, on a scale last seen during the height of sanctions during apartheid, and thousands of businesses will close. Millions will lose their jobs. Unemployment will go up, crime will go up (write it down, look at my predictions next year this time, I'm like Nostradamus but with an eye on statistics and graphical trends), and none of you will have water.

 Because your water infrastructure is collapsing just as fast, and without electricity water cannot be pumped anyway. Don't even think of getting your drinking water from your nearest river, have you seen what's floating in there? Go tell your local municipality that they should rebuild the sewerage plants they never maintained since apartheid fell. 

But do vote ANC again, please. Let the world see just how stupid South Africans really are.

We can only shake our heads at South Africa, seeing such a beautiful country - the nature, not the people - destroying itself faster than Russia can bomb Ukraine.

An online friend, Chris Lodewyk, asked me yesterday what I would suggest as solution. After all, just complaining isn't solving anything.

My answer: Hit them where it really hurts. Tax boycott. Money speaks, especially when it isn't there to layer some fat cat wallets. 

If business owners can somehow come together and refuse to pay over any taxes, municipal fees, and more to the SA government, but instead pay it over to trust funds as proof that they are willing to pay, just not to a corrupt, incompetent government, said government is fucked.

 And individuals should simply do the same. Refuse to pay over anything to any level of government. Don't even pay general sales tax (called Value Added Tax; VAT; what value?) Instead, pay it over to civic organisations for safekeeping, into multi-signature bank accounts, as part of a political protest campaign. 

As an act of political protest, the wonderful on paper SA constitution protect its citizens. You are allowed to stand up against your government when the latter isn't carrying out its mandate (as is abundantly clear.) But then a number of you have to stand together, to organize it, to stick to it. 

In China, those otherwise obedient citizens stood up against Xi Jinping last week, forcing him to relax their Zero-Covid restrictions. In Iran, young people stood up against their disgusting fucked-in-the-head-with-godsnot government, forcing the latter to disband the all-male 'morality' police. The pedophile prophet Muhammad got a proverbial kick in the balls from youngsters seeing through the scam that religion is, and the damages it causes. Iran is now a slightly better place, and may even become normal over two centuries or whenever the mental virus religion is wiped out at last. 

Especially young people the world over are increasingly busy making their voices heard for what is right, they oppose the wrong decisions, they demand the right things. And it will increase this decade as climate change causes water to dry up because of incompetent governments making the wrong decisions out of greed for decades. That ex-politician grandpa in die old age home, watch out for broken razor blades in your porridge. 

But does South Africa, all South Africa, has what it takes to stand up collectively against what is wrong? The short answer: No. The long answer: Noooooooo.

Many South Africans are just too plain stupid. And I'm talking across pelt colors here. Too low in the IQ department. Too ignorant. Too superstitious. Too gullible. Too afraid to read and think critically. Too brain damaged by religious beliefs. Too much like overgrown children needing a hero to look up to and to rule their sorry asses, even if said hero is a piece of shit raping their proverbial asses. 

Just look at a poll yesterday (I think it was Chris that mentioned it on Facebook.) Apparently a newspaper polled white Afrikaners with the question, should Ramaphosa stay in office despite the major scandal over his head? An astonishing - whose sense of morality I find suspect - 60+ percent of Afrikaners (that's like 30 of the 44 there) said yes, Crooked Cyril should remain in office because he has such a friendly smile when he fucks them over. WTF man.  

Look at trends, statistics, graphs, facts. Crime and unemployment kept on creeping up year after year for the past 17 years, at a faster rate than population growth. It not only shows that SA is on a downwards spiral and that crime is increasingly out of control, but it also tells us that South Africans are becoming more immoral every year. What was unacceptable to many just ten years ago, is now just a 'how can I get away with it too?' 

Every single departement, entity, and asset under ANC control is busy falling apart. Every single one. In my opinion, South Africa is past the point where much of it can be repaired. I'm not only talking about the many dillipidated roads and government buildings on small towns, but also about those more important aspects one cannot see: People's trust in each other, and hopes for the future. People there just do not trust one another anymore, especially if it's someone wearing a different color pelt. 

Frankly, and I'm saying this because I think one can look more objectively from a distance: I do not believe South Africa can be saved anymore. Not by anyone. Not that SA doesn't have great leaders, they are there. It's just that South Africa do not have the ordinary people to make it work. Doesn't help you have a great general, but lousy untrained corrupt-to-the-core scumbags as soldiers. 

South Africa will have its civil war within a few short years, and it will be brutal. The country is on a road to hell, and while it may have the leaders to turn it around (very well hidden, some even overseas), the people on the bus want to check out Hell and the bus driver better comply or gets kicked out of that cozy seat. 

The abnormal had become normal in South Africa. High fences everywhere. Steal if you get the chance. Kill if you think you'll get away with it, or do it anyway. Drive as fast as you want on the roads, drunk, and if caught by a traffic cop / bush pirate, just bribe him with a Coca-Cola and hamburger. Who the fuck wants to live in a country like that?

And yet, people always gets the government they deserve. Maybe South Africans just do not deserve any better than the ANC and its criminal cabal on top. 

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