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Thursday, December 30, 2021

Should Slavery Come Back?


Imagine you tell me you have a flying, pink, invisible unicorn in your house. (Pretend you don't see the contradiction in that statement already.) And you then ask me to 'prove my disbelief.' WTF man.

The moment I say 'no I do not believe you' I am proving my disbelief. Which then immediately drops the onus onto you to prove your claim, by showing me proof your flying horse exists.

Makes sense, right? 


Not to one Merlin Godson King. Oh no. He had to waste the valuable time of several members of an FB group with his idiotic, childish demand. Many Christians and Muslims asked the same ridiculous question before, demanding from us atheists to prove that their cloud muffin doesn't exist. What the fuck does such dimwits expect us to answer, other than the obvious logic as stated here?


  As to be expected, so many atheists there felt just like me, that they saved their thumbs from typing answers in the comments section that anyway would not have penetrated the patient's thick skull. Instead they resorted to posting some memes, because we all know that overgrown children respond better to visual stimuli than to little symbols that talk. Memes definitely help us sane people to eradicate religiotism.

Which brings me to a controversial thought. There's a case to be made for slavery to come back. Some people are so severely infected with the mental illness Religion, that society should not allow them to operate unsupervised. Letting them roam free and spreading their mental Aids is detrimental to progress and contaminates society with the bad traits of religion, like breeding dishonesty and finding excuses for atrocities. Is it okay to beat your slave? The Bible says it is, so the true Christian is now forced to justify it.

Ask a zombie if it's okay to abduct children as sex slaves – as the Bible and Quran both expressly orders – and they are forced to justify it with some morally-rotten excuse made up on the fly. What a vile way to corrupt society's moral fiber and boost pedophilia. They have to keep on finding excuses why it's okay for a particular Ford to keep on leaking oil, because they swore blind loyalty to it, as an example.

Take Merlin Godson King again as user case. A dimwitted, badly brain-damaged black male from Africa. I'm not sure from what nest he hails, but I suspect it's Nigeria. You know, that shithole where half the people are pastors fleecing gullible fucks, and the other half fleeces the world with 419-scams. He is very active in an atheist group on Facebook, with the group mainly consisting of atheists discussing the retarded actions and flawed logic of them zombies.


   Naturally, religiots like 'Godson' also want some intelligent conversation from time to time, so they leave their drooling groups and enter atheist groups. There they then try really hard to infect atheists with their brain virus, by peddling hallucinations and deploying the most astonishing 'reasoning'. They don't really join up there to debate, they only go there trying to spread their mental illness.

Us atheists then laugh at them, as to be expected, and say some harsh things as part of freedom of speech and out of utter despair. The loving, forgiving Christians then run to mommy Facebook to report us. Fucking hypocrites that can't stand robust debate when real facts threaten to burst their hallucinatory bubbles.

Over the past few months, I observed 'Godson' and his posts with a feeling of, well, WTF. Yeah, that's a feeling. How can anyone whose forefathers were subjected to the brutality of slavery – a dehumanizing practice that was condoned, motivated, and justified with religion – subscribe to that very same religious bullshit? Especially when you cannot prove the existence of the god-skunk you're drooling about. 


 Merlin Godson King is so heavily infected with mental Aids that he even changed his name on Facebook to reflect that. God's son, get it? As we know, mental patients in asylums are usually very open and proud of the hallucinations that landed them there in the first place. The doctors and shrinks and the rest of the evil world are the mentally sick ones, not them.

His whole profile is full of those junk religious beliefs, and his retarded logic and ridiculous questions on Facebook groups illustrate it clearly. What is he even using for the art of thinking? No, there's no hope that a shrink can fix his brain damage, the indoctrination since childhood was too severe. The priests or pastors that did it to him excelled at and gotten away with mental abuse.

His childish question slash challenge that atheists should prove their disbelief in what he cannot prove is nauseating. Yes, there are things such as stupid questions; don't believe the politically-correct soothing snowflake modern saying 'there is no such thing as stupid questions'.
  Because, when you are an adult and suppose to know some basic, basic stuff, then it is plain stupid to launch challenges like his.

  Religion keeps on holding society back from finding solutions to problems. We have to keep on repeating and explaining why a wheel needs to be round and not square in order to roll. Religiots force scientists into having to keep on repeating the same facts over and over and over again, wasting valuable resources and time. Basic logic just do not get through to religiots, and only brain damage can explain that.

  We atheists have to keep on explaining to religiots that we do not have to prove that their god-thing does not exist, because it's not us making the claim that he exists. The one making the claim should prove it, not the other way around. 

Me saying I have a billion euros in my bank account does not make it true, I first have to prove it. You are claiming you have a god-thing, so you have to prove it. Get it, Dumbo?

 Somewhere I have more screenshots of the idiot King's warped logic, his despicable ignorance, his blatant dishonesty, and his questions resembling that of a 3-year-old mentality, but you should check out the group yourself. Name is 'Fake Christian pastors and prophets', as on the meme. The motherfucker has almost 5000 gullible followers, which shows you how mentally enslaved Africa still is.

   There are many Europeans, Americans, and Asians believing that black people are stupid, lazy, and criminal. While that is definitely not true for many Africans, black people like Merlin Godson King are not doing their fellow Africans any favors by strengthening those prejudices among other races. King is doing his fellow blacks a huge injustice by peddling the same religious shit that still leads to women being labeled as witches and getting burned alive in Africa. He underwrites a vile emotional terrorism manual that dehumanizes half of the population – women – by making them out as inferior to men.

I have met a fairly large number of black atheists online, and as a rule I get along with them very well. Their frustration with black religiots that keep Africans mentally enslaved is understandable, religion caused a hell of a lot of damage to that continent.

 Their replies when they come across black religiots like King are even more brazen than mine in this article. I expect that such harsh resistance to harmful religious propaganda will get the message across to the young new generation of Africans, that it is absolutely compulsory to ask hard questions and to demand evidence, before jumping onto an imaginary flying horse.

*BTW, I'm not in favor of slavery. I am in favor of governments officially declaring religion a mental illness – as many psychologists increasingly say – and having all church buildings converted into mental asylums for the serious-infected. 

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