The short video platform TikTok from China, the country where Communism is practiced as a religion complete with rituals and fear and reward and more just like any other religion, was recently infected with other strains of the mental illness religion. Not just young sluts showing off their sexy bodies in dance clips can be seen there nowadays, but clips from emotional terrorists promoting hate speech books that say those young sluts should be stoned to death are now allowed as well.
The fire and brimstone brigade of hypocrites have arrived in digital China, and like the true mental patients in the wild they are they want to infect, by spreading their hallucinations.
A video by a gullible, brain damaged woman on TikTok (she can be seen in the screengrab above, and looks normal till she opens her mouth) is doing the rounds, in which she propagates the stick-part of the carrot and stick method the Bible uses into scaring people. Fear is an immense motivator to get people to do what they otherwise won't do.
In the video the woman says the scariest verse in the Bible to her is Matthew 7:21, the part where one Jesus tells a crowd he doesn't know someone. 'Go away from me evildoer, I don't know you', or some emotional passive aggressive blackmail shit like that. You will know what I'm talking about, we've all been threatened in a covert way as children with that dangerous verse. At one stage in the short clip after parroting that vile threat, the woman is so overcome with emotion that she had to pause for a few valuable seconds of my life.
So here below is my reply.
Jesus didn't say any of that as she and the Bible claims; a con artist from the predecessor syndicate of the Mafia - the former would later became the real evil Roman Catholic Church - wrote that nonsense in order to scare people into giving them money.
'What a nice soul you have, will be a pity if something should happen to it...'
Sounds familiar, like you get to hear from a member of the Cosa Nostra visiting your little bakery in Sicily, doesn't it.
Essentially an Italian gang of crooks discovered centuries ago, before the dawn of the modern Mafia in the same country, how gullible illiterate people were. Of which there were many those times, most people couldn't read at all.
These scammers then set out to hijack folklore from another country - what is Israel today was a colony of the mighty Roman Empire back then - that they then adapted and rewrote for their nefarious purposes. The original version of the Jewish folklore doesn't even include a heaven, so who added heaven as reward? One would think that if there was any truth to the Christian bullshit, that the original version would be the most true, right. But it doesn't have heaven as reward, so...
The pre-Mafiados then started to propagate their adapted version, via various means including censorship, burning people asking questions alive, other forms of violence and threats of violence, and influencing powerful people like politicians in society to underwrite the scam and to pass laws that would protect the scam. Because a lie repeated enough becomes true in the human mind.
It was used effectively to emotionally blackmail superstitious ordinary people by convincing them through repetition that those events in the Bible really happened.
And because the Roman empire was everywhere, the fake news spread. Even when violence had to be applied, just like Islam is doing today. Believe and pay up or die, bitch.
How can any mentally sane person takes a book with a talking donkey, flying horses, and other bullshit that was properly debunked by science (like the creation of Adam and Eve) seriously?
Yet, the Japanese proved in their war at the turn of the 20th century against China that one can make a victim believe absolutely anything by using mere indoctrination without any physical violence, in mere days. And for how many years are the most gullible in society - children - not being indoctrinated with daily carrots and sticks?
Meanwhile, all preachers and religiots are quick to rush to scientific hospitals instead of to churches, when they fall ill. Why not rush to the nearest church, and let faith healing do its thing? But no, off the hospital that is much further away and that doesn't guarantee any success they go.
It's like they don't trust their god-thing when it really matters, and they try surprisingly hard to stay out of the place (imaginary heaven) they claim they want to go to! It's hypocrisy at its most despicable, a very dishonest character trait, and it is caused directly by religiots preaching one thing yet doing the opposite.
Any Christian truly believing what he preaches to his children will refuse to go to a scientific institution that employs the very science that debunked religion, and instead rely on his god and pastor to heal him.
Doesn't the Bible promises that no hair on your head will be harmed, and that you can drink poison and won't die, if you truly believe in God?
I vote that wine in churches during Easter should be replaced with poison. Let's see how well that goes down. Let's see how far religiots really trust their fairy bundle when their own pelts are at stake.
How many Christians do you know that have stoned divorced women to death, as the Bible expressly orders? That while they know they won't get into Fairyland after death if they don't obey the commands in the Bible.
Also, if we should assume for a mentally unstable moment that Jesus ever existed (there's zero proof of that, weird for the Romans that kept meticulous historical records), what father - that claims to be a loving one my ass - will deny his children? Will send them to be tortured for eternity while he allegedly has the power to prevent it?
One needs to be mentally insane to worship such a pathetic loser of a god, whether the thing exists or not. Have some spine, man!
If the god-thing really created those human factory-rejects as the Bible claims (and if one skipped biology at school) while he can sees into the future, he did so with all their mistakes, just so he can reject them?! What a psychopath daddy! He did plan their lives before birth, your Bible says, so he planned for them to make the mistakes that will give him reason to reject them. See the gigantic hole in the silly story plot?
Also, if such people can't go to heaven, where are they going? Satan rules Hell, so what if Satan refuses them entry? 🤣 Satan doesn't have a contract with his arch enemy God to punish those sinners, right? (They didn't 'sin' against Satan, after all.)
And why would Lucifer punish them, he would rather train those people as soldiers in his war against God, and those people will be pretty pissed-off at God for not allowing them to see their family that made it into Heaven. Satan certainly won't do his arch enemy's dirty work to punish them, that's for sure.
God condones slavery, rape, and selling your own kids as sex slaves. Read the Bible, the orders in there are clear, and the never-changing god didn't change his mind. Imaginary Satan is against those vile orders in the Bible, so who is really the bad guy in the Bible?
With all the inconsistencies, contradictions, and blatant lies in the Bible it must be clear to any logical person that all of it are fables only, hijacked by clever Italian conmen centuries ago to scare the living crap out of people in exchange for easy money. That's why they added the express order right there in the Bible that people should give 10% of their income to those con artists.
God isn't real, he didn't create you, your parents fucked. Accept it.
Like every single baby on earth you were born an atheist, and it only depended on where on earth you grew up, what religious bullshit you would be subjected to. Believe it, because evidence shows it's true.
God didn't create mankind, evolution did, and scientists can prove it. Educate yourself, stop being a lazy ass that makes up answers like 'God did it.' In exams it is called cheating, and a very dishonest thing to do.
Jesus didn't address nobody, he didn't exist, or else the first writings about him would not have been written a whopping 200 years later for the first time after the alleged events, all by the same author till other authors built on that work of fiction. There was no copyright laws back then to prohibit it, and if there wasn't today you would be able to add further fables to the Harry Potter story and write that Harry fell off his broom for your sins.
Ever noticed how few poor pastors there are, while they drive in Mercs past impoverished people, while they preach that others should give away their possessions to those poor people? Hipocrisy at its best, and yet you believe what they claim but can't prove.
Religion corrupts people's moral value systems, which explains perfectly why the more religious a country is the more conflict it has in all walks of life.
Any religiot that made it to here: Use both your fucking brain cells, please, and grow the fuck up. The mental illness religion caused enough havoc in society for too long. Soon church buildings will be converted into mental asylums.
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