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Friday, April 16, 2021

Why Do the Braindead Lie so Easily on Memes?

An online friend alerted me about a Christian meme doing the rounds, that contains several inaccuracies and blatant untruths. So I decided to point some of it out in this article. It is no secret that religious brainwashing confuckulates its victims and make them dishonest of character, as the meme above shows so well. 
When a child is raped and dies from it, it is called a shitty plan, not a perfect plan. Even without the dying part. If you think it's a great plan, do you thank the god-thing every evening for children getting raped that day? No? Why not congratulate God on his perfect plan?
  Because you know there's nothing perfect to a child being raped, or a farmer being butchered. 

  According to this dishonest meme, God planned the lives of farm attackers, and planned that they should torture, rape and kill. That's only a sick god that plan like that, a psychopath, or one that doesn't exist. (Spoiler alert: the latter is true.)

When you undergo medical treatment, isn't that hypocrital? Why do humans have to try and make God's flaws right? Me thinks those doctors are fucking with God's plan when they remove the tumor God had put in there.

Another untruth on this meme: God - or rather, the con artists that wrote the Bible to use it for emotional blackmail to get easy money, pure Mafia-style - does promise that no hair will be harmed on the heads of his children, and so on. 
   Well, during any assault, attack, murder, or rape, more than just a hair is harmed. 
  So if God is real, he is either unable to keep his promise, or he is a dishonest god that cannot be trusted.

If God doesn't make mistakes, as the untrue meme claims, why then does the Bible says already in Genesis 'and God regretted making man'?
   Oh, and then the 'loving' god drowned them all. Even the innocent ones. And the poor helpless animals.

What is wrong with thinking about godsnot, and asking hard questions, and demanding logical answers based on evidence? Because when you do, you soon realize that the god in the Bible most certainly doesn't exist, and never did.

 Scientists - those people that sick religious people run to to cure them, so they can stay out of the heaven they claim they want to go to - already proved conclusively that half of the events in the Bible never happened, and that most of it are blatant lies.

  When a book that is marketed as being truthful contains lies, it loses all credibility. And without that emotional terrorism manual that the braindead calls 'holy', what do you have left that can possibly makes you think there's a god?

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