Do we all not have a superstitious streak? Just yesterday I broke a mirror, and to curb that curse as the legend goes, I had to wait till midnight, then threw salt over my shoulder and a potato as far as I could over my other shoulder. So I did, and it turns out I can throw a potato all the way through the neighbor's bedroom window. From the swearing coming from there it seems the curse definitely went with the potato.
Mental patients in the wild that suffers from RIV (the Religionosa Idiotica Virus) are gullible and superstitious as fuck, as we all know. And they exploit it for the first prize in order to confuckulate their fellow braindead.
On the same group, CoronaVirus (complete with the capital V, all one word) I reported about in a previous post I came across a woman, one Mary Lavadores, that decided a group dedicated to information about the Covid-19 virus can be abused to spread religious bullshit to.
And so our Mary Madcow did. She shared a bullshit post from that Muslim nest Indonesia (one of the most retarded countries on earth, and heavily overpopulated), complete with a very long curse in it. Although Mad Mary didn't cuss out the emotional blackmail herself, she shared it and by not criticizing it endorsed it.
Yes yes, zombie, I hear your flawed logic that if one doesn't like what one see you can just scroll past it. But that's bad, and psychologists already proved it. Whatever the brain records, even in passing, has an effect on the subconscious mind, especially when the critical conscious mind don't performs it task by analyzing it. And a lie repeated enough eventually bores the conscious mind, allowing that bullshit to bypass it and go straight to the subconscious mind that accepts everything reaching it as true. That's why rituals (repeated actions) of which religions have so many are so dangerous.
Emotional blackmail is bad. It's really, really bad. It's equal to a man telling his wife for 20 years of marriage that she's a slut, without it being true or him having any evidence, and threatening her every day for those 20 years that he will assault her. Whether he carries out his threat or not, such a woman will be an emotional wreck in a few years, guaranteed, for life. Emotional abuse is against the law in most countries, why then do we allow religions to get away with it?
The many threats issued by religious people to all high and sundry and known and unknown has the same emotional impact, and scars listeners/readers psychologically for life. Children, for example, believe what adults say, and they cannot differentiate between fact and fiction. The imaginary fire in imaginary Hell is all too real for them, they are physically afraid of it, they are literally waking up screaming at night after having nightmares of fires and nasty men with forks. Why then but for mental illness do parents subject their children to vile tales and assure them that shit is real?
As such us sane people need to put a stop to such behavior from mental Aids spreaders like senorita Lavadores. Gone must be the days that religious zombies can just spam non-religious groups with their delusions and get away with it. They post in the public domain, so I'm calling their bullshit out in the public domain. Ultimately their own - hopefully not too heavily indoctrinated already - children needs to be made aware that their parents are mentally unstable.
But maybe I should not be too hard on Mary, because she has a real pretty daughter. And as the Bible okays, I can buy that daughter from Mary for something like 6 cows and a goat. Mary underwrites the Bible, so I assume she endorse child sex slavery too. After all, if you believe a book you follow the orders in there, right? Mary isn't a hypocrite, right? (Disclaimer: The daughter is above 18, or else I would not even consider making a joke about offering to buy her.)
Religion is extremely, extremely harmful to society. There's just no doubt about it. Without all the incredible amounts of money flowing to churches and the con artists behind it, that money would have went to laboratories to advance science, and we would have had no lockdowns anywhere in the world now. Simply because we would have had a cure already in the 1960's when we discovered the family of Corona viruses. Thus we also would have had no deaths of really good people today.
Judging by Mad Mary and Pretty Violetta's surname they may be Spanish. Spain, the beautiful country with its beautiful, yet heavily religious people, that paid such an excessive toll in deaths to Covid-19.
And yet brainwashed people like Mary learned nothing from it, they're not even asking themselves why their god-thingy - that they believe to exist, remember - could not prevent or at least stop the virus. What a lousy god! Almighty my ass. IF such a god existed, and if he really was almighty, then the only reason for him not stopping the virus would have been that he's a douche bag piece of cockroach excrement that enjoys seeing innocent people dying in the most horrible way. And what human in her right mind with even just one moral principle would worship such a god?
Rant over. Off to buy a hot piece of inferior woman. (Not me saying the last part, I'm referencing the Bible that makes all women out as substandard. Again, why do any woman worship such a god?! Brain damage, I tell 'ya.)
Update: Mary and family are from Trinidad, a former Spanish colony if I remember correctly. I guess Joseph is called José there? 😁
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