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Friday, April 17, 2020

Zombie Countries May Be Behind Fake Brainwashing FB Accounts

The definition of being mentally unstable: Believing shit you cannot prove to be real, and to believe it so much that you are willing to threaten others - including children - with harm, fire, and death if they refuse to believe your shit too.

I joined an international group on Facebook simply titled 'CoronaVirus', in order to help me stay up to date with what's going on regarding the Chinese virus.

However, as to be expected, mentally retarded children grabbed the chance to drag their mental illness Religion into such groups. So much so that religious bullshit is all one gets to see there, and no actual facts.

One such a zombie, Muhd Saidu Muhammad Inuwa, is the latest overgrown child to do just that. He promptly shared an Islamic brainwashing post from elsewhere to the group.

Many Christians told me that us atheists are quick to attack - verbally, we don't do physical killings like religious people do - them Christian braindead when the latter starts vomiting lies, but we don't do Islam. Well, that's just another lie from Christians, as this post proves. I attack any religious person when he drags his mental illness religion into the public domain, regardless of which strain of that brain virus he has.

And here's why:

Something disturbing though - as if the results of religion aren't already disturbing enough - is that Islamic bodies and even Islamic countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia and other nests in the Middle East may be behind fake profiles on FB, solely for the purpose of spreading religious bullshit.

The world will never be the same again after the outbreak of Covid-19. Many churches, mosques, and synagogues will have no retardees visiting them when lockdowns are lifted again, as the internet and freely available knowledge during these times are opening the eyes of the dimwitted from the sham religion really is. I mean, a fucking talking donkey, really?!

To counter that, legalized con artists (clergy, pastors, dominees, priests, ministers, rabbis, and other religion spreaders in exchange for money or goods) are resorting to online services, in order to keep the con going and the easy money flowing. But as we know, religious people are a bit... hm... daft. So they don't really understand how to pay donations and tithes and emotional ransom fees online as freely as the Dumminati (the opposite of Illuminati, which were actually the good guys like scientists during the Dark Ages that were killed for questioning religion) had hoped.

Religious scammers - yeah, 'prophet' Leon du Preez and Rooies Strauss, you two South African Christians included - across the mental instability board thus resorted to upping the spread of their mental Aids with increased online postings once face-to-face fraud gotten prohibited by lockdowns. Innocent people like gullible children are now getting brain fucked without a Logic condom online more than ever before.

The FB profile of Muhd Saidu Muhammad Inuwa, the sandfly that shared the religious bullshit to the Coronavirus group, matches what I have seen an increasing number of on FB: A brand new account with an almost empty profile, with only one or maybe two religious posts shared from elsewhere on its timeline. Such accounts seem to be created en masse with the sole purpose of spreading religious junk to every group possible.

I know that Saudi Arabia and Israel both have covert state agencies dedicated to spreading their religious nonsense online, especially on social media, but not that much on non-religious forum sites where members chuck such shit out promptly.

 I henceforth believe that those agencies - and without doubt other countries and religious crime syndicates like is commonly found in Nigeria - had upped their online presence dramatically online since lockdowns worldwide hampered their easy incomes. That's bad news for us sane people (read: atheists) that are trying hard to make the world a better place and rid it from the religion virus.

  We atheists have no choice but to call out those scammers and demand on the same public platforms for evidence of their wild claims, and even to insist from the authorities that such fake news spreaders be prosecuted for disturbing the public peace. Ample proof of that, open any newspaper. By standing up against religion we will prevent gullible young people from getting infected with mental Aids. Remember, all babies are born as atheists, let us keep it that way. If only because atheists don't rely on fictional book characters, they take charge and responsibility for their own lives, as Iceland proved so well once again lately. 

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