Half of Belgium's trains didn't operate yesterday due to storm Ciaran, so what did people do? They walked or cycled. What do trees do in strong winds? They fall over. And so, yesterday, a tree fell on two people in the city (Ghent), killing one and breaking the other one's leg. And elsewhere kids were playing at their school playground when a tree fell on a 5-year-old child, killing him too. Isn't God's 'perfect plan', those acts of God, truly loving? (Okay fine, I'm sarcastic.)
The wind was at 100 km's an hour, turning even traffic lights the wrong way. EuroStar trains dropped their speeds to 80 km's an hour, and a lot of Antwerpen plane flights were redirected to Brussels, KLM canceling many of theirs altogether till late afternoon. We better get used to such delays, inconveniences, and deaths.
October was also the hottest month on record for Belgium. This is just telling us that climate change is getting exponentially worse, leading to stronger and more frequent storms. In France and the Netherlands, Ciaran was even worse.
This is all because of too many people on the planet, a whopping 8 billion, while the planet can only sustain 5 billion at most when healthy. Already by July now each year, mankind has used up all the resources that Earth needs a full year for to replenish.
That's not sustainable, and that's why ecosystems are collapsing without any peasant realizing it. Entire insect species are going extinct with only scientists mourning those new gaps in the food chain.
I'm thus considering taking a more hawkish stance on wars to help the planet. And let's face it, when religious people die, the world becomes less hateful. Less zombies to spread godsnot that causes hatred, see.
But that's a flawed argument, because zombies surviving wars breed more, and up their spread of hatred. Unions in Belgium, being European and atheistic and moral, won't beg to disagree with me, they now simply refuse to handle any arms shipments going through our ports. Or that's what they're calling for, saying their members won't support the genocide happening in Gaza.
What is the solution to make an end to all the hatred and to let our planet recover, letting wars kill all 7 billion religious people on the planet? Seems to be the only option left.
If you are trapped in a mine with ten people, only going to be saved over ten days by rescue workers, and there's only enough oxygen for five people for those ten days, what is the solution? Killing five, so the other five can live for many years, right.
I noticed that Western media do not report on the real severity of the conflict in the Middle East, when compared to Arab newspapers reporting many more incidents and attacks. The war between Hamas in the Gaza open-air prison and the Jews - everyone's favorite scapegoat for centuries, because they introduced the mental illness Christianity that spawned into Islam - already spread all across tens of countries across the Middle East, whether we want to admit it or not.
American military bases in several countries these past five weeks were attacked with suicide drones and rockets, often simultaneously, on a scale we have never seen before. We all know that America dare not let that slide, because Putin and Xi will see it as weakness.
BTW, we should call this war, that will later be called WW3, the Unprecedented War for now. You already hear the word unprecedented with every new atrocity related to the war on the news the past month.
The past three days, missiles fired all the way from Yemen were shot down by either the Israelis or the US war ships in the Red Sea, that then crashed in Egypt. And those rockets are huge. Egypt is bound to get pissed-off sooner or later and choose a side too. Being Muslim, it's not a secret with whom they'll side.
Let's not forget that Egypt was humiliated 50 years ago in their war against Israel, and many mummy-keepers still harbor a feeling of revenge. Right after the 07 October attacks by Hamas, and Israel then retaliating, an Egyptian policeman shot 6 Jewish tourists dead in cold blood. This should tell one about the ideological climate there.
This is the big danger: Citizens of a country taking sides, and then forcing their elected government officials to do the same. And the latter do it, to stay in power. That's how multinational wars break out, before amalgamating into one big war.
This is why the brilliant Russian propaganda department may be the most dangerous piece of war machinery in the world, with their trolls hard at work to get people the world over to choose Russia's side, or to at least be sympathetic towards Russia's advertised - but misleading - causes.
It's all about grabbing power for Putin, but master strategist he is, he knows how to ploy the world stage to get idiots to believe a narrative he himself knows is pure b.s. I mean, Ukraine full of Nazi's?! Come on! That's like saying every Mexican in Mexico is a drug lord.
Unfortunately, the lower-IQ component of Americans that support Trump are very inclined to fall for fake news, conspiracies, and Russia's propaganda. That's what beliefs founded on hot air only do to superstitious people whose brains were already fried by religious beliefs. Studies conducted during the pandemic proved that religious people are dramatically more prone to fall for scams and fake news. That's why fake news websites targeted only them, and not us sane atheists.
In other good news, religious logic is once again about to cause more harm today. Why today? Because it's Friday, the day when Muslims drool extra hard and go to indoctrination centers to point their asses into the air so Allah can kiss it.
Fridays are when they protest extra hard, riot more, make more stupid decisions, and some also blow themselves up. Godsnot makes more heads go haywire on Fridays in the Muslim world. I've won bets before on predicting bombings at mosques on Fridays in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Anyway, the main patient in the mental ward, metaphorically, of the Hezbollah death cult will be making a much-anticipated speech today, his first since 07 October when some of his death cult invaded the central zombie nest Israel. I fully expect him to officially declare war against Israel, thus dragging at least Lebanon officially into the war against Israel. Apparently the many attacks by his 'fighters' on Lebanon's southern border with Israel were just 'skirmishes' so far.
Lebanon is impoverished, weak, and no match for Israel. However, should they enter the war, it will open the flood gates for other Arab nations to become much more involved too, in various ways. That's the importance of such a move, and Putin and Xi (the Chinese dictator) knows it. They already promised war equipment to those countries and to the various rebel groups operating in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq. Some of that war pieces cost ten million dollars each, like advanced missile systems.
It should be noted that Hezbollah in Lebanon is magnitudes more powerful than Hamas, with having Iranian-made rockets that can travel further than the size of Israel to strike anywhere. And Hezbollah have many of it, with Iran, Russia and North Korea busy shipping more religious toys - arms, of course - to them. By now, the whole world has seen that the must-touted invincible Iron Dome protecting Israel could not withstand a barrage of rockets from Gaza alone, not to mention how it will crumble under an onslaught from two or more fronts. It's like the Torah and Bible: Lots of talk and scare mongering, but pretty useless in practice when too many of the enemy's rockets leave the waterpipes.
Israel, and as such their backers like the USA and France, is between die devil and the deep blue sea. The situation cannot be de-escalated anymore. Hamas won't stop firing rockets if Israel take a step back, and Israel won't stop dropping bombs if Hamas takes a step back. One of the two needs to be destroyed, and Hamas is essentially the whole Muslim world now.
The economic fall-out, with Muslims controlling much of the world's oil (energy), will hit the world as early as next month. 50 years ago, in Israel's war against Egypt, the Muslim world closed the oil taps to the world, that led to the energy crisis that lasted much of the 1970s.
American car manufacturers didn't have small economic vehicles on the showroom floors, which opened the markets worldwide for cheap, small Japanese cars. It is very possible that toweled oil oligarchs will close the taps again to protest against the West backing Israel. But, at least that will be great for the EV industry, with consumers' pain of having no petrol and diesel only lasting a few years.
This time China is ready with their electric cars, most with brand names the Western world haven't heard of before. Really, Google it, that industry had become a giant in just three years in China. More EV sales for China means more economic leverage on the world to the Communist Party.
A bigger war in the Middle East will benefit China, because it keeps America busy and leaves Taiwan vulnerable and ready to be roped in. Taiwan manufactures an all-important electronic chip in a massive factory, with China wanting to have that under their control, and of course the island itself, giving it vastly more military control over the important strait there.
Armenia and Azerbaijan is likely to engage in war by 15 November again, moving Ukraine even further out of the limelight, giving Russia a much better chance to win that war. In forgotten Sudan, 1.2 million people are now displaced, and as we know, during - more - instability in Africa, those impoverished losers flee to Europe.
We whiteys don't want that, so right-wing parties in Europe with tough migration policies grow by leaps and bounds, that unfortunately also backs Russia in some cases because America had become too arrogant and Russia is closer and a more imminent danger to us here. We don't want the mental illness Islam here, while we're hard at work eradicating the Christianity strain.
Yes, the number of hot wars are increasing, engulfing the planet.
The world is ready for WW3, and gearing up to let their religious love and harmful, skewed beliefs loose over everyone. While a physical virus haven't worked to get the world population under control, godsnot beliefs will certainly do the job. Putin and Xi understands the power of beliefs, and how it can be used to make especially religious people do super stupid things.
Nuclear bombs just don't scare people anymore as much as it should, and who doesn't like epic fireworks with a city going up in a dust cloud, and anyway it will make Jesus come back faster, right. In a warning to Israel, Hezbollah posted photos of Israel's nuclear power plant, and warned they'll be firing rockets towards it. Certainly it can withstand a rocket or three, but thirty? Fifty? Hamas alone already fired thousands of rockets made from waterpipes into Israel in the first three weeks, and Hezbollah has the big boy rockets.
Personally I don't think nuclear bombs will be used early, or at all, during WW3 by the USA, Russia, and China. Nuclear powers will fight each other by proxy on the lands of smaller nations, so that during a new world order there will be only three countries controlling all the land on the planet.
Israel itself, however, will use their few nuclear bombs when they're about to lose a war. How's that for religious love, killing innocent people and poor animals too. Despicable. They warned years ago already that they will exercise the 'Samson-option' if they're about to go under. Pissy losers. If we have to die, we'll pull over the pillars keeping the whole building standing onto you too, is the gist of it. Yay, we're going to Fairyland together!
What I find ironic, amusing, and revolting all at the same time, is elsewhere how the very people stocking up guns against the Western government they voted for - the Trumpster-type that are moderately to heavily religious - supports the Russian narrative. Those are the same people willing to kill for their rights to freedom of speech and to carry guns, but then they support a dangerous dictator that doesn't even allows a Navalny to call him out for corruption, or the Pussy girls to sing about him.
If Putin wins the Unprecedented War, all the rights we enjoy in the West will be limited in all countries under the Russian sphere of influence, even freedom of movement to visit a sick aunt in another state. And personal firearms means nothing against tanks, which the hillbillies don't have. We have seen that in history in Poland and Hungary and others, and it's gradually happening again. We need to win politically to keep our rights, that's where we should fight, not in trenches. Just a pity religiots are so lame in the thinking and debating department, that they have to opt for physical violence instead to make a point.
Why Republican Americans are willing to risk giving up their rights can only be explained by their religious logic, to protect their imaginary god-thing from scrutiny and criticism. It's just retarded, and dangerously stupid. Choose wisely, 'Muricans.
Also, that fornicator with goats and pigs that Muslims drool about, their prophet Muhammad, was a child molester, sexual abuser of animals (but a dog lady bit him, so no Muslim may have dogs as pets, and because a pig lady was great in the mud pool, no eating her family), and a child rapist, and a pedophile. Your religious hallucinations trump neither facts nor my right to point it out. It's immoral and despicable to admire such a criminal scumbag.
Since October the 7th of 2023 (take note, digital archeologists of year 4637), Benjamin Netanyahu played the godsnot card repeatedly in his speeches, quoting his fairy book every time, and making sure the world knows this war is about religions at odds with each other. Not him, not his adversaries can prove the existence of their junk gods. But they are literally killing each other over that crap fables. At least they have the schizophrenic voices in their unstable heads, that we can prove to be real.
On the other side of the British dam, the new American Speaker on Capitol Hill made his firm godsnot beliefs clear too. He talk to voices in his unstable head about laws he needs to sign, he admitted so himself, albeit in more deceptive language. (He calls it 'praying'.)
How crazy is it that two mentally deranged idiots in extremely powerful positions get to make life and death decisions over billions of other people? And they're not the only ones, the Turkish president Erdogan himself is also infected with mental Aids, drooling to an imaginary flying piggy called Allah in his head.
His country has one very mighty army - just as backup, in case his god-thing cannot protect his Ottomanians - and lately he's been flirting with the Muslim nest Azerbaijan that plans to attack Armenia soon. We have seen by now that religious people just cannot make sane decisions during times of emotional upheaval, and Erdogan will be no exception.
USA president Joe Biden, that I admired till 06 October, had his godsnot infection giving him a mental episode as well, and instead of calling for restraint and de-escalation, supported his Jewish masters - that controls the American banking system - in the bombing of literally 2 million people, all innocent minus, say, a hundred thousand terrorists.
How can it be morally justified to bomb an entire neighborhood when you know only a percentage of the people there were the ones that broke into your house? But the Catholic president of America had his indoctrinated beliefs took over his decision-making skills. No wonder the Muslims call him a hypocrite now, and they're entirely correct. He condemned Russia's killing of children, but only weeks later started thinking about Gaza children.
Already thousands - not tens, not hundreds, but thousands - of children died in the most brutal ways in Gaza in just the first five weeks of Israeli strikes. No trees fell on them, but buildings and bombs, sanctioned and ordered by religious scum. Don't tell me religions aren't the most dangerous threat mankind faces, even more than climate change.
Even if this war should stop at this very second, you know what Benjamin Netanyahu accomplished? He created an entire new generation of terrorists, hundreds of millions of them, people that will feel entirely justified to kill any Westerner anywhere in the world, for decades to come. Any boy seeing his sister being blown to pieces, or having to hold his dying parents' hands, will swore to avenge their deaths. And he will spread that hatred to his fellow Muslims too.
When you get shot or stabbed or blown up with a bomb ten years from now, or a loved one of yours, you should know that the attacker was inspired by the most destructive mental illness known to mankind. Religion. Don't spread that junk yourself.
We live in exciting times, and this time the internet records it all. Make sure to say the right things and make the right choices, or your words will come back to haunt you after WW3.
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