Challenge for this weekend! 😌 Look through the timelines of your FB friends, and determine their 'cause.'
What are they really passionate about? What makes them tick? What preoccupies their minds? Play a game, play shrink!
I have friends on Facebook that are determined to kick Donald Trump's ass. Their whole timeline is just about that, their revulsion for what scum like Trump stands for very apparent. And they spend several hours each day analyzing US politics, with a big dose of bias in there too. Wrong or right, that's how human nature works.
Others are like me, we want to break the cycle of religious indoctrination and wipe out that mental illness. We do it in various ways, of course.
Some, or I even dare say the majority of atheists, are polite and try to reason and debate with those mental patients in the wild. But me, and an increasing number of atheists, simply troll them, having learned long ago that one cannot reason with schizophrenics that reject proven facts in favor of far-fetched fables.
Another friend I'm thinking of now shares only jokes and nothing else on her timeline, while I happen to know she's in a bad dead-end minimum-wage job that drains her. So why the jokes on FB, to keep her motivated to get through the day, to always be optimistic and hope for the better? And why is it not going better after several years, what's up with the Law of Attraction dropping her that much, what is she doing wrong? Why is the light at the end of the tunnel staying there far?
See, one can learn a lot from someone, and the person's intelligence, by browsing their social media. It's the psychology aspect here that fascinates me.
A while ago a religiot asked me the question, with typical religious logic, of what my goal in life is, and how can I even have a goal since I'm an atheist. Such braindead logic.
I think, ultimately, that every person's goal in life is to be happy. It is that 'what' that makes a person truly happy, that most people cannot answer about themselves, to themselves. Sure, each will come up with an answer, but later on it will turn out to not really be the truth, or so vaguely defined that it doesn't mean anything, to bring the person closer to it.
And money, like it or not, is the one thing we all strife to get more of, as key to buy happiness. (Yes, money can have a key been made for that.) Having enough money solves literally 99% of the average person's problems.
But what really makes specific people feel they have a successful, great day behind them? If you can identify that, and align with it, then it's friendship material. Money is just a tool, by itself it doesn't guarantee happiness. Many people are truly happy for just having a plate of food and a roof over their heads at night, while a person in a mansion may be deeply unhappy.
Several of my friends are passionate about animals, in various ways. Some save them from the streets, others prosecute animal abusers, others attack hunters - that are almost always religious, BTW - and others promote veganism.
All in all, I support and befriend people that do the right things, little steps as it may be at the time, to make the world a better place, and I villify those that don't. If one looks at the latter, there's one common shit-stained thread binding those villains together: Religious beliefs.
I strongly believes, and can prove it too, that societies without godsnot in its midst are the closest we'll ever get to a true heaven of happiness, prosperity, and progress, on a sustainable planet.
Just look, and experience, atheistic countries where the majority of people have outgrown fables. I'm fortunate enough to live in one, and to be frank: It can be goddamn boring for a troll like me. LMAO. Nobody willing to argue with me about the nonsense in the Bible, they all agree. That's boring. (Which is one of the reasons why I focus so much on South Africa, many of the religious people there are epically retarded.)
So chill around your pool this weekend, and overthink your life. What do you derive pleasure from? What makes you truly happy? Do you have a written down plan for your life, with your goals and the steps to get to it, neatly outlined?
Far too few people are willing to investigate and explore their own minds, to ask hard questions (like: Why do I believe Santa Claus fell down the chimney for my sins) and to demand real evidence that supports those beliefs. The average person knows someone he hates, better than he knows himself. We are afraid of the metaphorical ghosts, demons, angels, skills, talents, weaknesses, pains, and fears inside ourselves.
As I always say, what you believe, determine your actions. If you - thanks to indoctrination - believe you are sinful and bad and inferior, you'll act like that too. If you believe a corrupt politician is good, you'll vote for him, and harm your future in the process. That's why one has to question everything, hard, critically, objectively, before choosing sides.
Only by knowing one self, can one determine your strengths and weaknesses, goals and skills, and what is needed to go forward to whatever ultimate goal it is you have.
On the latter point, something interesting you should try. The perfect ice-breaker during any event where mostly employees are, you know, the type of people working to make someone else's dreams come true. The peasant type, if you get my drift.
I asked a few such people before what they would do if they should win a round million euros, dollars, or whatever currency they use. Specifically, how they would make that money more. Then I gave them time, even used covert hypnotic suggestions to help them visualize it, and man, do they have major plans. Often very unrealistic, but I let them dream, got them to describe the offices they will rent, the type of business they'll put up, etc.
And then, the bucket of cold water. I asked them - even dramatically taking out my wallet - if I should give them just a thousand euros, how they would make those bills to get babies. How will they make that money work for them?
Read that again. How would you make a thousand euros to become more? What steps would you take? Mind you, there are many business people that started their empires with such small amounts, so it's feasible.
Usually, people are stumped then. They can dream up an empire when they should get started with a million euros, but they can't make a thousand of it to become more.
Can you?
Think about that this weekend too.
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