Imagine waking up, realizing it's Zombieday, and gearing yourself up to start lying to people. One must either be an immoral psychopath rotten to the core, or plain retarded and mentally unstable, or really hate real work. There are millions of those out there. You decide to join their ranks after seeing the new luxury vehicles they drive, and hear about the trips to exotic destinations they undertook and their lavish holiday homes at the coast.
Then you go stand on a thing called a pulpit, or behind it rather, not to protect yourself from flying tomatoes and eggs, you didn't enter politics. You'll do so to look more authoritive, because you entered religion.
After looking at dozens, even hundreds, of gullible brain-damaged children in adult bodies looking up at you, you start your speech. Maybe even a dusted-off one from 20 years ago, while secretly being amused that you could spin fables so fluently back then already.
You'll say things like "Our almighty Chicken and Rooster gave his only son, Humpty Dumpty, to fell off a wall for our sins." You'll look at the gathering of idiots literally and metaphorically below you, their dimtwatted eyes staring like zombies at you but in awe. Because children love stories and they believe what figures of authority say. And as always you'll be amazed and perplexed that people can actually believe such crap, and even threaten their own children to better believe the same or else.
You don't have a teaspoon of evidence for those far-fetched, ridiculous claims you stated as fact, but that doesn't matter, indoctrination since childhood made the village idiots believe anything. Is it any wonder that any legalized fraudster then believes he can get away with molesting the children of those idiots too? And does the Big Chicken in our Book of Truth not expressly orders you not to ask questions and to just believe, and to avoid the evil Tree of Reading and Thinking? Better not ask questions and demand evidence, Inferior Sinful Sheep.
To add some spice to the tale you just dished up, you'll mix in a veiled threat, like "In the Book of KFC we read that our almighty Chicken will punish those so foolish not to believe in him and love him, they will be broken open in a cast iron pan and be fried forever and ever." A hundred adults with voting rights to affect the futures of others, and with driving and gun licenses they'll kill other people with, will feel a tingle of fear running down their weak spines, they'll swallow heavily and fearfully mumble 'amen'.
As incredibly as this sounds, it happens every Sunday, every year, for thousands of years now. It's a proven success recipe for easy wealth, look at any religious country who the wealthiest are.
Just the collection of fables being spun differed over the years, with other names, other places, different types of eggs and other fictional book characters coming alive in the minds of the brainwashed. Snippets of tales stolen from other tales and getting adapted and incorporated and translated over the centuries gets a new life. But the criminal modus operandi of the legalized con artist remained the same, with as goal to empty the wallets of mentally constrained adults without getting locked up for fraud.
Employing basic hypnotic techniques any psychologist can recognize, like repetition, suggestions, rituals, anchor words, the criminal fable spinner will drill his message home, all aimed at selling am imaginary product, Life After Death.
The exact same techniques are used by stage hypnotists during mass-hypnosis entertainment events, with the audience knowing the reputation of the entertainer and what he does for a living, and yet still getting hypnotized to make their names ass on stage by acting like a goat dancing. Using specific words aimed at evoking emotional response, the preacher will use the most powerful emotions like fear, desire, and love, to bend superstitious people to his wallet.
They will now be even more enslaved to remain in an abusive relationship with an imaginary ghost. They will now fear and love the almighty Chicken and his son Humpty even more.
In one hour, the mental terrorist behind the pulpit will convince one hundred people to give him one tenth of their monthly income. For one hour of dishonesty, he'll earn more than ten of them will earn all month long.
Do the math, and see for yourself why people certainly knowing they're bullshitting others, continue to do so till they retire after a lifetime of not doing a day's honest work.
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