A South African school is exploiting the death of a female teacher to promote a mind-numbing no-questions-asked ritual taken straight from a hate speech manual they apparently still force down the throats of their little students.
Terrorism can take many forms, shapes and sizes. When daddy tells mommy she's a loose cookie and nothing without him, that's a form of emotional terrorism. Just like when Spiderman tells people they are full of sin and will burn on the BBQ every Saturday forever and ever if they don't love him, same thing.
As psychologists can prove, even imaginary fire is very real to impressionable children, and after they burned themselves behind the kraal with a cigarette lighter after trying to mimic daddy's smoking, they tend to be scared of fire. Children learn by example, and unfortunately it includes the mistakes and stupidity and superstitions of authority figures like parents and teachers.
A primary school catering for children around ages 6 to 13, the Primary School Piet Retief in the Mpumalanga province in South Africa, lost a teacher recently to death. As is the norm these days, a post was made on their Facebook page about it, because hackers in Russia too deserve to know who is vulnerable and easier to swindle into clicking a totally legit link to a prayer service where everyone can be phishes for Jesov Kalashnikov.
On a side note: The school and town was named after a former hero from the Afrikaner past, one Piet Retief, that were one of the five or so main leaders of the Voortrekker movement during the 1830's. Retief was a brave but religious man, which cost him and several other cream of the crop men of the movement their lives, and left the Voortrekker lagers wide open for attacks thereafter. 'Bloukrans' followed, with many white people being massacred by barbaric black Zulus, and attacks on lagers further back that fortunately could defend themselves successfully.
Retief's mental Aids contributed to his severe gullibility, leading him to believe a fictional book character would protect him against the known mass-killer uDingane, king of the Zulus in then Natalia, when he was stupid enough to enter the kraal Umgungundlovu fully disarmed, to close a deal for property with the black king. The black king wasn't heading to a Mensa test either, because he signed the property tractate before having the white delegation tortured to death with sticks up their behinds. (For real.) That document, duly witnessed and signed as well by all parties, proves that white Afrikaners did not steal land from black Africans, as the latter nowadays claim, and is being preserved at a severely-underfunded museum in South Africa.
Interestingly enough, South Africa's previous criminal president Jacob Zuma is a Zulu himself, and in favor of dictatorship. His gigantic homestead - paid for by the white descendants of Piet Retief as taxpayers - is located where Umgungundlovu once stood. It's like Afrikaners, like many Africans, just don't learn from history.
But back to the present. A teacher died, and let me quickly digress again to express my condolences to her family and friends. I cannot talk to voices I don't have in my head, and the almighty god Ra is out of town for the weekend, but I can express my sincere sympathy, and my hope is that you will keep her fondly in your memories while also remembering the good she left behind, and applying the lessons you learned from her. Teachers are valuable and plays a pivotal role in the lives of young people still being shaped, and although I did not know her personally she was much loved by many, judging from social media.
Sadly it appears as if religious people are unable to express their sympathies without lying point-blank in the faces of relatives and friends left behind. This is of course a result of religion corrupting the moral values of its victims, with religiots having to lie all day long to justify atrocities in the Bible they peddle.
'She's in a better place now', 'She's a flower in heaven now', and similar dishonest uttering I've heard from braindead come to mind. Can the brainwashee prove any of those claims? It's plain insulting to lie to a grieving person like that, and equally ridiculous as saying she's in the children story Liewe Heksie's Blommeland now. Religiots struggle with accepting reality, and that dead is dead is dead. So they fabricate childish nonsense to console themselves into a severe state of denial.
If you ever want to see a real miracle, have a pastor at my funeral one day. I'll fly up out of there from the coffin just to moer the legalized con artist so hard his snot will strangle him like a tie in a tornado, before I drop down to be dead again. Nobody gets to lie at my funeral, okay.
The must-touted but badly-trodden upon South African constitution makes it very clear that public schools are not allowed to give preference to one strain of the mental illness religion above another strain of the same brain disease.
Or in other words, teachers are not allowed to peddle one religion above another religion. All gods are crazy equal, because schools were opened after apartheid fell to all races and ethnic groups. So somehow it must be made possible to put a little Christian, a little Satanist, a little Muslim, a little Hindu, and a little obese Buddhist kid next to each other in the same classroom, and tell them with a serious face their fairy books orders them to go kill each other during break time, while expecting them not to do it. Talk about a confuckulated lesson. Religious logic is wonderful.
Their holy-my-ass books do in fact contain those orders in no uncertain language, in each religion except maybe the Buddha and Satanist ones, and it's time we confront such calls to violence. I personally don't like the idea of children getting mental training to come kill me one day just to please the Wizard of Oz, or any other god-thing for that matter. Osama bin Laden did it, and we all know what that led to. Won't it be just easier to recognize that hate speech for the hate speech it is, and ban that shit straight into history class only?
Children are being taught to develop dishonest characters as hypocrites that write exams about what they learned, while some remaining morality from their days as born atheists prevent them from doing it. It's like sound atheist morality is being eroded by sickening religious 'morality'. This is bound to at least lead to often subconscious forms of subtle discrimination and exclusion with religious beliefs as motivation. How do you heal and unite a country while you teach them to hate each other because outdated books order it?
As the reader can see from the photo the school uploaded to their FB page, a religious verse from just one fairy bundle is quoted. Meanwhile the school knows very well they are legally obliged to be inclusive, so much so that this former Afrikaans-medium school placed the same photo in both Afrikaans and English on their page. This indicates they have learners from a diverse background, most likely white Afrikaner kids and black Zoeloe or Xhosa kids. Probably a few Indian kids too, with the town Piet Retief being close to the KwaZulu-Natal province with its large Indian population. And as we know, South Africa has a huge number of cultures and ethnic groups, many drooling over different fabricated cloud buddies.
So why only a white god verse on there? How must learners that were brainwashed at home with other fairy tales, kids that also loved their teacher, feel? Excluded? Them versus us? You bet. Religion divides again.
As atheist since 8 years of age when I saw through the religion bullshit, I still vividly remembers how excluded I felt when a teacher I got along with very well died in a car accident, and my school then dragging in religion with every eulogy everywhere. And I wasn't the only one, other learners too found excuses to avoid a remembrance in her honor in the school hall after we learned a church minister would deliver the main address. We wanted to be there, we wanted to pay our last respects, we just couldn't stand being lied to by a legalized criminal that would on Sunday expect emotional blackmail money from our parents in church.
What seemingly conservative schools like Piet Retief Primary and other former exclusively Afrikaner schools still don't grasp, is that the internet and the wonderful misinformation, disinformation, fake news, name it what you want on there, is forcing especially young people to think critically, to ask questions, and to demand answers based on solid evidence, before they will believe something. It's simple: Kids don't want to look like fools in front of their friends for believing something that comes out as bullshit later.
That is why the number of 'unbelievers' (as if it's something to feel guilty about!) doubled and even tripled in every single 'free' country around the world since the middle 2000's. Totally coincidental that cellphones with internet-capabilities came along that time, right.
Logically, and as a result of this new attitude to use common sense, children nowadays detect when teachers and their parents are lying to them. They use the internet. They think. They're not afraid of asking questions anymore. They spot bullshit and inconsistencies. And that's when and why they start losing respect for figures of authority spewing bullshit as truth.
Children in South Africa did not lose their respect for adults - as boerbarians claim - because the assault of children a.k.a corporal punishment was outlawed, but because the lying and despicable dishonesty from superstitious adults never stopped.
A few years ago, a businessman by the name Hans Pietersen from the university town Stellenbosch took the SA government to court, demanding that no preference should be given to one religion above another, in schools. Basically, he argued that schools should do as the constitution says, which is pure heresy, right. How dare he demands that the law being upheld.
To raise funds for the expensive court case, the infidel founded a nonprofit organization with the humorous acronym OGOD. Boerbarian organizations and six zombie schools named in the case raced to court to go defend their Christian god-thingy against that evil gang that took the Awlawd's name in vain in their smelly mouths. This was a total Satanic onslaught and end of days OMG, social media spewed. The book of Revelations predicted this, you'll even find all the letters in his surname in there as well. H-a-n-s converted to numbers and multiplied by zero and then typed backwards gives you 666. And so on.
Pietersen's goatee did him no favors, he was promptly labeled an agent of Satan, and then promoted to Satan himself. The irony should not be lost here, in that Pietersen does not believe in the existence of neither one of the two cloud criminals.
Death threats streamed in. Warnings of unfortunate accidents got Mark Fuckerface of Facebook to say things like WTF. Pietersen and every other sane Afghani agh I mean sane Afrikaners wanting to obey the constitutional law was in real danger of being tarred and feathered, if only South Africa had some of it left for potholes.
A significant component of the white ethnic group Afrikaner consist of boerbarians. The latter are those that are - quite literally, insanely - religious, unable to properly spell in their own mother language, and fearfully avoiding the tree of knowledge (reading, as per brainwash instruction), while loving guns and Trump and wiping out innocent animals. But then they crap themselves during farm attacks their god-thing cannot protect them against, and they hide away in a barn in the Free State town Senekal when the black EFF shows up for a court case.
Ogod's founding and hitting the media limelight right away got every boerbarian in a remarkable emotional state of distress. Facebook blew up. Twitter was somehow spared because it's too difficult to express hallucinations in 160 characters. How dare anyone try to 'take religion out of our schools', the mental patients in the wild sulked. That wasn't the aim of the court case at all, but try explaining that to dimwitted people that are today's anti-vaxxers.
If those boerbarians knew how to download Microsoft Flight Simulator, they'd flew paper jets into the Constitutional Court Building in Johannesburg.
You think I digressed again with all the text above? No, I gave you some background for my final point.
South African schools today know - thoroughly, since the OGOD court case that the latter won - that one religion may not get preference above another set of dangerous fables. And yet that's exactly what the Primary School Piet Retief did, under the guise of sympathizing with people affected by the passing of a loved teacher. How would they feel if the Taliban ruled, and mumbled some Islamic bullshit only? Right... Now you get it.
Right there on their FB page description they make it clear that they promote one religion, Christianity, above other religions. That is against the South African law. Either preach all bullshit, or none, the accommodating applicable law says.
The school governing board undoubtedly took note of the Ogod-case, and still decided to be in breach of the law. That's how mental illness works. One cannot tell them it's wrong to fly into that building, they will fly and nothing will stop them.
Unfortunately, by cultivating such a disrespect for the legal system of their country, they indirectly now also teaches their young learners that it is okay to break laws, to spit on a simple and sound law meant to protect the rights and mental well-being of other children. That attitude will translate 15 years later into a young man driving drunk over a red robot to go buy Coca-Cola for his brandy at home, because screw the law and screw the red robot, a god-thing will protect him against that incoming car. And if the fable fairy doesn't, then it's all part of his plan. That's what the school imprints on the minds of their young learners, and on that of the entitled white parents whom are mostly still in their party-20's and cheating-30's.
And what 'good Christian values' are this school talking about? That daughters aren't allowed to sit on certain benches for seven days during 'that time of the month', as the Bible orders and nowhere revoke? Or that divorced women should be stoned to death, as a very clear, explicit order rings in Deuternomy. Or that towns where people worship other gods should be invaded, everyone killed and property destroyed including innocent animals, and babies should be grabbed by their feet and their heads bashed against the rocks? Yeah, a very good Christian value, that one. Watch out, Sipho in classroom 6, the headmaster is gunning for your village.
Luckily Sipho's 10-years old virgin sister will be spared, because she must be abducted as sex slave, so orders that book full of 'good Christian values' that the kids inevitably will read. Sipho's sister will feel very safe, just like children should. And when they ask ten teachers about that, they'll get ten different explanations, because that's how the Christian value of dishonesty works.
Really, Primary School Piet Retief?! What shit do you really preach? Or, let me as ex-Afrikaner that understand you bunch there in South Africa very well guess: You are using that filth, that specific religion, to exclude people from other races from your school. In a country with 92% of people not being white, I see like 90% white faces in your school in an almost totally black province. How incompetent is your education department for allowing it?
And what's up with showing the faces of children all over Facebook? Ever heard what Christian men do with children? That's the reason why posting photos of children is highly discouraged, and even illegal in many countries. Do you have the permission of those children to show their faces, or is it just okay to violate their right to privacy like that?
The school says on its meme about the teacher that it will be praying. Let us talk about that, because we know children mostly do as they are told, and they read such subtle instructions on Facebook as well. If Mister Beesneus says we pray, then we pray.
Since schools are supposed to teach people stuff, I would like to ask on behalf of the children at that particular school to whom they must pray. Ra? Thor? Loki? Horus? Neptune? Uranus? The god of war Mars? The goddess of fermentation? Or which one of the current 3000 religions' gods currently being worshipped on earth must be drooled to?
Okay, that was a rhetorical question, since the Christian verse on the meme, and the school's 'principles' description, makes it clear all other gods are excluded. Sipho, fuck you, you don't get to love Miss Teacher, you worship an inferior African god. Sanjay, we don't like cow-piss gods either, so you go away too but we'll expropriate your delicious curry-sandwich first and give you a koeksister as payment. Sannie Ossewania, you can stay, but being a girl you better know your place, the Bible says so. And you, Remi you disgusting atheist, we'll kill you first, as the Good Moral Book that says we may not kill orders.
So let's talk about what the remaining Afrikanertjies - after we discriminated against other innocent kids and made them go away - must pray about. God is a busy white guy having to find many lost sets of keys daily, don't you just mumble some stuff about being hungry, okay.
Should they thank God for being unable to save the teacher?
Should they congratulate him for putting her through pain and suffering?
Should they express their admiration for his perfect plan to kill a valuable teacher very untimely?
Also, with schools legally obliged to be secular without brainwashing children into a specific strain of the mental illness religion, will it be okay if the children pray to Spiderman too? He's as real as old Vuilbaard, in a book too, and at least he didn't had 2 bears tore 42 naughty children - a whole classroom! - to pieces for only laughing at Mr Baldy.
Does my article makes it clear that the Primary School Piet Retief is disobeying a court order, in a blatant act of contempt of court, in their exploitation of people's hurt to promote just one religion, which advances emotional terrorism and division in a country that cannot afford it?
The actual question is: Why are children and their superstitious parents being exploited during a time of hurt and emotional vulnerability by a school to reinforce dangerous propaganda into their heads?
Those same indoctrinated children now typical of human nature will be seeking answers about life, and anew read the Bible, including the revolting verses that criminal pastors so carefully avoid preaching about.
Like, you know, it's okay to kidnap and sell children (to wash dishes, right, don't tell children the real reason why they'll be kidnapped), even parents are allowed to sell their daughters. Not to mention that an 'unspoiled girl having forced intimate relations with a farm attacker' (my diplomatic language; the Bible is more direct) must marry that piece of filth, and may never divorce him. Damn, what a punishment for the poor rapist.
He also must pay the dad some boerbokke, since women are only objects for men's pleasure and worth just a few laundry-molestors, according to the Bible. Read your Bible, the orders are very clear in there. Why are you not doing what your Bible says, and then you still expect to go to Fairyland. Fooling yourself is just retarded, Chuckie.
Do you even realize what psychological harm such orders in a book that may not be questioned causes to children for life? The insecurity and mistrust it causes? The severe confuckulation and even racial hatred?
It's time schools start doing their job properly and teach facts, logical thinking and sound reasoning, and stop dragging Taliban-style indoctrination into the mourning of lost loved ones. Stop lying to children. Prove that the god-thing is real first, before attributing characteristics to it. Even if you could prove your god-thing is real, still, what is wrong with you for worshiping such a pathetic loser that needs humans' love in order to get a stiffy?
The best, and really only workable solution, is to keep the most dangerous mental pandemic in mankind's history out of schools. Keep one and keep all religions out of all schools. Or wait till your students are 18 years of age before they hear that shit the first time, if you don't mind them then laughing their asses off at you.
If you cannot prove you have an invisible pink flying horse in your garage that grants you wishes, don't tell it to gullible children as being the truth, and definitely don't commit mentally unstable acts like threatening those children with fire if they don't love your imaginary horse. Why is that difficult to understand? Let one of your kids draw you a little picture then.
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