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Thursday, June 4, 2020

Facebook is Okay with Reversed Racism

All white people are thieves, is what a black man claimed on a South African singer's page. After coming across it I reported it to FB as hate speech, because, duh, not all white people are looting criminals. That's plain racist from the real racist, Bhasted IamHim Dbg, to say something insulting and blatantly untrue like that. No white person I know have ever looted anything, and it certainly isn't common behavior among whites for quite some centuries now. 

FB just notified me that it is indeed okay to say that white people are thieves. Yes, it's okay to say stuff that increases racial hatred against whites, is the gist of it. 

Naturally I wanted to appeal the decision, but suddenly the whole support ticket disappeared, showing 'broken link' as error. Jogging over to my notification inbox, the notification that was there minutes ago from FB's support center mysteriously disappeared too! Black voodoo scary shit, I tell 'ya. 😀

  What will happen if a white man starts calling black people thieves, you think FB will bump the white man into FB jail? (Where a bunch of black thieves already hang out, statistically spoken.) I certainly have an issue with the double standards that FB maintains, and that contributes to racial hatred.

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