Just a man taking his dog agh I mean woman for a walk. She's wearing an invisible leash, so some may call her a slave. But more than a billion men on the planet is okay with it, and that's why the planet is sick.
The temperature on the beach may be 35+ degrees Celsius, but because science is evil, let us believe that under that black clothing it's a nice and crisp 15 degrees.
If she should pass out of heatstroke, it's only because women are inferior humans worth only half that of men. Not me saying so, but a ridiculous disgusting immoral book that idiots call 'book of truth.' And who's to argue with what the pedophile prophet Muhammad said?
If we want society to start treating women like, well, human beings, we have to stand up against the behavior of scum like that slave owner and his equally braindead fellow sandflies.
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