A lie travels fast and far, but eventually the truth will catch up with it. This photo reminds us of just that.
Somewhere in the late 1500s (I will have to check the date), the now famous Italian astronomer Galileo Galileo said the earth wasn't flat, and not the center of the universe, and that our planet is revolving around the sun. And he could prove it.
The mighty church that ruled with fear and godsnot said the opposite. According to the Roman Catholic Church, a man on horse cart dragged the sun every day through the sky. Anyone refusing to believe it was burned alive on the market plain, with residents of the town compelled to watch.
Also, despite what doctors could witness on battlefields, the church claimed as truth that blood circulates only once through the body, before magically disappearing into a fountain in the body. Don't believe it? Google it, or let's get a great fire going for you.
Obviously, with so much fear and unproven claims going around, even parents told their children what the church said they should believe, and so the children did. Thinking and asking questions and demanding evidence was taboo. The perfect, evil, recipe to keep society ignorant and afraid.
Galileo Galilei was found guilty for saying those heretic things, and sentenced to death. At the last moment, a plea deal was struck, giving him the option of lifetime house arrest, and not allowed to speak to anyone till the day he die, if he would retract his statements. Of course he did, who doesn't like the idea of staying alive at least. But at the end of the trial, he famously said 'and yet, the earth moves.'
This is why I verbally attack any godsnot spreader wherever I comes across them spewing bullshit, online and offline. Verbally, not physically, I'm not an undercover primitive caveman like the average religiot.
We simply cannot afford to ever have a generation again that blindly believes what wasn't proven, and that was even debunked by science already.
(Hypocricy denial: I did not blur out the name of the idiot in blue on the screenshot above; found it like that on FB. Now we'll never know who the retard with voting rights and a gun license is.)
No, people do not have the right to believe whatever they want, when proven facts contradicts it. We dare not allow the propagation of lies anymore, not in an era where social media amplifies every statement. We should troll the crap out of such idiots, and then bake bread with it. As per Biblical order, of course. 😁
It is interesting to look at the business model of churches. They use fear and the promise of everlasting punishment by fire if people should dare not to believe junk claims they cannot prove anyway, claims that were debunked thoroughly by science. And then an unhealthy dosage of blackmail gets mixed in there too. It can be summed up as:
"Nice soul you've got there. Will be a pity if something should happen to it. See you Sunday, bring cash."
You know who else followed the exact same business model thereafter? The notorious Cosa Nostra, the Mafia. And also Italian, no coincidence. Their business model works like this:
"Nice business you have there. Will be a pity if it should burn down. See you on Monday, have protection cash ready."
Therefore, how can anyone blame me for calling all churches organized, legalized crime syndicates? That's exactly what they are.
That pastor of yours is nothing else than a legalized fraudster, a low-life criminal, selling you an imaginary insurance product - Eternal Life, and pay extra to get the Plus Package now - and threatening you with getting burned if you refuse to pay extortion money.
A study by Duke University in 2011 proved that religious beliefs physically shrink the frontal part of the brain, the part that's responsible for a host of important functions like critical thinking. Other studies proved the impact of long term indoctrination, fear, and unproven beliefs, on the brain. And as I always say:
"What you believe determine your actions."
Long-term indoctrination can cause lifetime psychological problems. Ask any woman - or man! - that ever had to hear for years in a relationship how inferior, bad, useless they are. That shit stick, I tell you.
Being in a relationship with God is equal to being in an abusive relationship with a ghost, you sinner. You're nothing without a fictional book character! 😝
Children especially believe what they hear from figures of authority like teachers and parents, and having to hear they're nothing without a monster god that drowned innocent people and animals, and that killed innocent children in Egypt just to spite a leader, is detrimental to their psychological health, for life.
Many studies pointed it out before, but try telling it to their mentally unstable parents that are afraid of an imaginary junk god. Rather harm the children than thinking critically about what we believe, right.
Superstitious people are more susceptible to fall for fake news, regardless of its nature. They believe outright lies and every conspiracy theory, and those beliefs then lead to dangerous decisions that impact us all.
When a crooked politician that eyes a cozy office spin lies to them zombies, and tell them whatever fits their prejudices are true, they vote him into office.
Science is the enemy to the zombie people, because science debunked half the Bible and Quaran already. And when a book contains even just one lie or contradiction, it loses all credibility.
When the politician says that what science can prove, like about climate change, is untrue, they believe him. They want to believe him, to keep their religious hallucinations intact.
He in turn wants to stay in office, and thus hinders laws meant to stop climate change, to keep his supporters happy. This is how the flawed beliefs of mental Aids carriers impacts your insurance premiums, when storms blew off your sturdy roof.
While no church will dare burning people alive again, they sneakily once again invaded politics, and got politicians to let us burn in a climate that now breaks all records every year. Exponentially, too.
Why? Because the sooner the planet is destroyed, the sooner Sky Daddy will come rapture 244 000 'lucky' ones. All others will burn in Hell. Also, there's the easy cash by blackmail. Ever noticed how comfortable pastors live for just a few hours of fabricating excuses for imaginary God's behavior each week?
We do not know the names of the imbecile 'judges' that punished Galileo Galilei centuries ago, but today the internet records everything. That's why I don't blur out anyone's name on screenshots. What you said you said, and you must stand by it.
Today we can and do record the names of legalized criminals and their brainsick sheep that peddles any religious tale as truth. We can expose them, and let their own children regret having braindead idiots as parents. And we should, so that those kids as adults can take away any decision-making powers the parents have. They should not even get to serve as admins on a Facebook group.
It's human nature to want to blame others when things go wrong. Climate change is happening, food security is at risk, access to basic sources such as water will cause massive wars, overpopulation because the Church discouraged condoms for decades is claiming its toll on an overburdened planet, and storms are getting worse and more dangerous.
Who's to blame? Every religiot, today and in the past, that by peddling godsnot hindered scientific progress.
Was it not for the Church that killed members of the Illuminati* and practically prohibited any and all scientific research for at least 500 years, we would have had just 1 billion people on the planet today, all clever, and cures for cancer and more, and peace and prosperity for all on a beautiful planet.
Future generations deserve to know who made the world better, and who made the world worse (hint: it is religiots), and on who's graves to spit. And who doesn't deserve to be stuffed in a proper old age home.
*Contrary to what deceptive propaganda the Church spread on social media about the Illuminati, the latter was actually the good guys. (I'll explain in very simple terms.)
The name comes from the Latin word 'enlightened', meaning 'to know.' It was a loose 'club' consisting of ordinary teachers, professors and other academics, doctors, scientists, and anyone using science to find answers.
Members of the club dared to ask questions and demand answers, and as such posed a threat to the existence of the mighty Church and the easy money they extorted from a fearful public. As such, the Illuminati was publicly labeled evil, and one member after the other was tortured in the most gruesome ways to death. You know, Christian love.
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