A South African church minister, a real two-face hypocrite by the name Mark le Roux, took an animal welfare activist to court for 'derogatory statements' made on Facebook. Nothing about forgive 7 x 70 times for the professional bullshitter like his fairy book orders him to do; he instead chose to claim a lot of money from the animal inspector in court. Preach one thing yet do another, that's dishonest hypocrite all the way. But the killer was served a prompt derection.
His actions once again illustrates beautifully that it really is all only about money for pastors, priests, and preachers, and other warped legalized con artists. Spreading emotional terrorism to accomplish that goal of getting easy money is their trade. You threaten the wallet of a fraudster, he'll chuck his god-thing out the window and starts performing like a maniac on rabies.
How much cash in this bloodstained case? A whopping R 200 000, which is around 10 000 Euros. That is how much a comment or two from an animal lover cost the greedy pastor, the latter claimed in court. If true, it just proves how lucrative it is to lie to religiots. If not true, it proves what a chancer this 'dominee' (Afrikaans for church minister) is.
These triple-P's (Afrikaners will know what I mean) make an easy living by lying to superstitious idiots, and by emotionally blackmailing them for money in pure Mafia-style. "Nice soul you've got there. Will be a pity if something should happen to it. Bring cash." That's psychological terrorism, and gullible people fall for it.
The taker of innocent life, dominee Mark le Roux, bragged in a Facebook post after an animal hunting trip about eating the testicle of his victim (to satisfy his religious blood lust, see.) He went further and had the dead animal pose as the driver of his 'bakkie' (Afrikaans for light pickup truck), with him spread out over the roof of the vehicle. Very funny to the sick ball-eater and other immorals like him.
One Jaco Pieterse, an inspector at an animal welfare society in Cape Town South Shitholia, called the killer out on his deeds in a comment below the scumbag's bragging post. The man of God, this Le Roux dominee, then acted like a Christian by swearing at Pieterse by saying 'vlieg in jou moer', which is unique Afrikaans that roughly translates to 'fuck you.'
In typical spineless fashion one often gets from the walking undead, Le Roux then immediately blocked the victim of his verbal assault before the latter could reply. Pissy. A real man stand by what he said and has the spine to engage in debate. Pieterse then said a thing or two more elsewhere on Facebook, I think his own timeline, and fully complying with free speech.
And then the killer struck back. (Play melodramatic music here.)
Our angelic - no devil will behave like this - pastor then decided he should tackle the man that stood up for the rights of animals. But not like a real man, oh no, but by running to a court. Specifically because money, the root of all godsnot, was at stake. Also, more balls to eat and blood to drink, the killer probably fantasized by himself while drooling a little.
The unloving fabricator of fables felt he needed to kill a defenseless animal with a high-powered rifle to feel like a man. That is what his post(s) on Facebook implied. Then he had the misguided guts to feel he was wronged when someone protested his vile deeds.
Every single environmentalist, every single person on this planet with a whiff of morality, finds such godsnotty reasoning revolting. I'm not sure, I can't remember, but I think me too commented at that post of the killer. I should have commented more. This lenghty post shoud make up for it.
The sickening irony is, when boerbarians like Le Roux gets confronted by armed robbers in his crime-infested nest of a shithole country, then they crap their pants. At such an instance, when karma ployed the stakes to be equal, both parties have firearms. But that's when the coward in such animal killers pops up, with boerbarians then quick to beg for their lives with "Please brother, don't kill me, I'm a man of ou Vuilbaard." ('Ou Vuilbaard' is my nickname for the junk god Christians drool about, that translates directly to 'Old Dirty Beard'.) Animals get no such a chance to beg for their lives.
South Africa is hands down one of the three most dangerous countries in the world, with more violence and killings every day, than Iraq had during the height of its war against the Americans. Violence breeds violence, studies confirmed it. Tourists, be warned, the media there is so overwhelmed with crimes that you have to pay to get a family member's murder in the newspaper. Tourists are easy targets, and you won't just get robbed, you'll feel a knife tickling your insides too.
In SA it is common practice for incompetent parents to physically assault their children, but just like drug dealers having smoochy names for drugs to soften the wrong, so do boerbarians have for their violence, like 'Papa love.' Often the parent will have a dedicated tool with such a name, like a piece of wire or a 'rottang' (a piece of bamboo) or even a plank to administer their idiotic idea of discipline against a little human half the size of the cowardly criminal. Assassins also have love names for their tools, BTW.
I should note that corporal punishment is against the law in South Africa, probably the only good law the corrupt ruling party ANC ever enacted, but due to a broken justice system, is rarely if ever enforced. Even many cops believe parents have the right to assault children and women. That's why SA also sports one of the highest GBV-numbers in the world, with an incredibly high percentage of South African women across all racial borders 'admitting' (as if it's a crime or sin they committed) that they were beaten and/or raped by their male partners.
A quick sidenote about the word 'boerbarian':
I created this word around 2010, after seeing the true colors of some Afrikaners on social media. I'm glad to note that the term since caught on. It was disturbing to notice the contrast between how boerbarians act in real life from behind a facade of decency, versus what they say online. Online they showed their true colors, their low-IQ's, their reprehensible train of idiotic thought. Hence the need for a descriptive name.
A component of the white South African ethnic group Afrikaners, that maintained apartheid, refers to themselves as Boere, the Afrikaans for Boers. Boerbarian is my portmanteau of Boer and barbarian.
Boerbarians, by my definition after observing them on Facebook and Twitter, are:
1. Afrikaners (that are all Caucasian anyway),
2. semi-literate and can barely type a paragraph in their own native language without major spelling mistakes,
3. poor in English, math, rational thought, and common sense,
4. ignorant about most subjects, because they avoid reading (the Bible says avoid the Tree of Knowledge),
5. Not good at thinking and solving problems, with many illogical arguments and flawed beliefs about everything,
6. always moderately to very religious, each having their own version of their religion in their minds,
7. superstitious and afraid of imaginary monsters under their beds, while being adults with voting rights that determine the future of others,
8. anti-science, because science debunked the godsnot they want to believe,
9. pro-conspiracy and extremely gullible to anything that suits their many prejudices; they are also quick to judge on limited facts while preaching one should not judge,
10. negative by nature, real energy vampires, always wanting the earth to be destroyed faster so their god-thingy that is everywhere can come back (and they don't see the contradiction) ,
11. at least a bit to a lot racist, they love Donald Trump, and sadly the incompetence and criminal ways of their black government strengthens that,
12. backstabbing, really the worst kind of friend you can have is a boerbarian,
13. Immoral and dishonest by nature (made so by having to justify atrocities in the Bible, which spills over to their jobs and relationships),
14. criminally-minded (it's okay to drive 'dik-gesuip' to the café for more Coca-Cola while under the influence of brandy they mix it with, for example),
and... well you get the idea. A boerbarian must meet the majority of these criteria to qualify as one.
Fortunately, while all boerbarians are Afrikaners, not all Afrikaners are boerbarians. Atheists, the sane component of society, are excluded by default.
Boerbarians - and people of other races and ethnic groups in that country that are guilty of assaulting their children - are simply too brainrotten by godsnot to grasp that by hitting a child, that child gets the message that violence is an option to solve problems. Later, the parents are too dimtwatted to understand why their child as a young adult picked a bar fight that led to the death of a patron. Such parents are, without exception, always religious, and justify their criminal behavior by quoting a verse from an outdated Jewish campfire fairybook that children should be disciplined with physical violence.
As I am typing this, and a last sidenote before getting back to the story, there is a case running in the Free State town of Hennenman, where a 23-year old white Afrikaner - a pure-bred boerbarian - assaulted another patron of the bar with a heavy monkey wrench that mechanics use, so severely that the boerbarian is now on trial for attempted murder. The victim is still in hospital with a crushed skull, broken bones, and more.
Back to the immoral dominee...
Mark le Roux is a cut from that cloth of seeing violence as a solution. In this case, he applied violence against an innocent animal for his own selfish reasons (to solve the problem that he didn't feel like a real man before it?), and then he went further to make fun of the victim's death.
The comments below his bragging post - I'm not sure if it is still up; religiots tend to delete posts when a brief moment of sanity hits them - showed that the majority of non-boerbarians found his actions as revolting as I did. Obviously, boerbarians found him posing like that on the cab hilarious. Maybe even hit their wives an extra shot that night out of excitement.
Imagine if black farm attackers in South Africa - there's a reason why so many black people hate and kill whites in that country - should pose for selfies with their victims. Well, how Afrikaners will feel then, that's how animals feel too when one of them gets killed by a boerbarian. But the latter lacks the empathy needed to understand the pain of surviving family members of the slain animal. Pure-blood psychopaths, those boerbarians.
We have all seen photos of animals grieving the death of one, like the award-winning photo of the monkey crying while holding her baby, an elephant clearly overcome by pain at the death of her child, birds sitting unusually silent and still around another dead bird, and more. So why is it still a mystery to those fucked in the head by religion that animals too have feelings, that they can and do experience pain and loss? How immoral to cause that to any animal on purpose.
How long before Dark Africa gets the message that animal lives matter too? Obviously I blame the mental illness religion for such animal cruelty behavior.
Many black people in South Africa chop off the Achilles heel muscle of an ox, while the ox is still alive, during religious rituals. (White people are generally not allowed to be present.) Because of the immense pain the now-immobile animal experiences then, it screams in pain. Big surprise, huh. Now guess why...
Religious black people perform this primitive, sickening ritual because the howling ox is then 'calling the forefathers.' Yeah, that's what those primitive adults believe, which is pure religious bullshit, and animals have to suffer because of it. What else than mental illness is such hallucinatory beliefs?
Many of those black people truly love animals, and even own cattle that they dearly love. But then they do that to animals. Placing the beliefs in junk you cannot prove to be real before the lives of animals or people, only mental illness as cause can explain that.
White Afrikaner hunters, not to be outdone by the black people they covertly despise while hiding it so superbly well, smear the blood of a slain animal over their dimtwatted faces (remember I spoke about religious blood lust before?) when they have killed their first animal, as an initiation ritual. And some other acts of depravity too, like cutting out the testicles of the animal and eating it raw (which is what the pastor in this story did.) Or eating a part of the still warm liver raw, the organ responsible for cleaning blood. You see the religious connection there?
It should also be noted that during such a serial killing spree by bloodthirsty hunters, the animal isn't always dead after it gotten shot. The hunter often have to chase the buck for several hours through the veld, with the poor animal desperately trying to get away with its family having to witness it from afar (and later smelling that blood on the kill trail after the jubilant killers left), before it eventually collapses. Then the 'brave' hunter feels all virile with his dick having a hard-on by slicing its throat, with the animal seeing the knife and feeling its throat being cut. (The evil pastor Mark Le Roux said killing that animal gave him an erection, or something sickening like that, on Facebook.)
And you want me to respect such inferior humans that kill animals?!
I'll fucking funeral crash their legacies on Facebook instead, letting their children read what a revolting piece of human excrement father or mother they had. It may just get one of those kids not to grow up as immoral as that killer-daddy.
I have a ton more respect for South African security guards that have the backbone to take on armed robbers. Those are the true heroes; animal hunters are mere cowards. Those security guards, that number more than the total police force in South Africa, earns peanuts while having to guard fortunes. They are mostly black, and each of them have bigger balls than any boerbarian.
Just this past week I read of a black security guard man-alone having had to shoot two heavily-armed black robbers. They tried to steal from a white man's business, with two other robbers getting away. Several shots from automatic rifles missed the hero, fortunately.
The trauma he went through of taking two lives will likely go untreated, since the black government screwed up South Africa's mental healthcare system. (Read up on the Life Esidemi spectacle, when that government caused the deaths of hundreds of mental patients, deliberately out of pure incompetence and greed.) How long before that trauma causes a good black man to go bad black man and wrong others? There's something seriously wrong with the people of that country.
I want to emphasize, hunters taking part in rituals are always religious. I think one will be hard-pressed to ever find an atheist doing such immoral shit like smearing blood over the face. There's a difference between killing for food - which isn't even necessary or justifiable anymore - and killing as 'sport.' Real sport should be killing armed criminals, not innocent animals.
In court the killer Le Roux - that brought the civil case, oh the audacity - claimed that crime syndicates - read: churches - didn't want to invite him over anymore so he could defraud their members with lies for his own wallet. Their sheepish flock that are so quick to blindly type amen on Facebook when asked to, objected to what the sick minister did. Other liars on the pulpit now gets to cash in.
Secretly I'm impressed that the geloofsgefokte ('religiously-fucked'; Afrikaans is a beautiful poetic descriptive language) boerbarians in those churches found his animal killing actions unacceptable too. Is the internet to credit for teaching them the morals their geloofsgefokte parents lacked?
The unforgiving preacher of bullshit must have known he's the one in the wrong, but because a career in fabricating lies all day corrupted his moral values system, he actually thought he could win in court. He seriously did not pick up that he's the rotten soiled skunk in the story.
As to be expected, he tried a godsnot argument in court, probably thinking he could switch off the judge's brain. It's working on Facebook, right. He quoted the verse from the Bible than mankind have the right to treat animals like however the fuck we want to, because we are so special in the eyes of an imaginary monster that drowned many more animals. Now love that monster, okay.
Amazingly, because the South African legal system is very soft on animal abusers, the judge in this case didn't fall for the hunter's slimy tactics. He sure is the kind of judge I'll drink a beer with.
How a society treats animals defines its level of civilization.In his verdict, the judge - or it may have been a magistrate, but to me it's potato potatoe - said that any animal lover has the right to stand up for the rights of animals, and that freedom of speech is more important than getting your feelings hurt by the truth. Something along those lines, which is exactly what one expects to hear from a competent judge.
The ball-eating church minister thoroughly lost the case, and also have to pay the other party's legal fees. 😁 Guardians of animal rights in South Africa earn peanuts as salary, often having to rely on donations to get food for themselves, because the primitive South African government is more skilled in stealing and destruction, than in protecting the vulnerable.
The defendant Jaco Pieterse thus had to employ a lawyers firm on a Pro Bono case. To that profession's credit, he found such a firm willing to work for free if he should lose the case, which shows that not all lawyers are scum. (Just half of them, I guesstimate, many lawyers are a crooked bunch.) But, and deducting some points here, it should have been pretty clear to any lawyer that Pieterse would win. His lawyers though did a splendid job, so kudos to them.
I hope the firm sends a huge bill to Le Roux, big enough so that he won't have any money left to go on another killing spree for a long time. Let him go dig up Jews from a cemetery and drink their blood, after all, he does fantasize every Easter about eating a dead Jew's body and sucking out the blood, am I not right? He even makes money by forcing children to drool about it too each year. It's not sickening because it's religion.
What all animal lover readers are obliged to do, is to make sure that pissy 'man' never gets to kill another animal again. Although I'm pretty certain his blood lust isn't over yet, zombies just don't work that way. He'll kill again.
A big high five from me - on behalf of every atheist that is fed up with the immorality of mental Aids promotors - to the animal inspector Jaco Pieterse, that appears to truly have a heart for animals and have the balls to stand up for them. No wonder the greedy minister drooled, he wanted to eat those proper balls.
Let this story be a lesson to every hunter in the world that killing animals 'for sport' is unacceptable and unethical, and that we the sane people are increasingly standing up against it. Just this past week a poll came out saying that 89% of Belgians are against trophy hunting, and that they support a EU-wide ban on the imports of any animal-related 'trophy'.
With such an attitude, it is just a matter of single years before we start punishing countries that allow trophy hunting, or any hunting for that matter. South Africa is dependent on us here in the EU to import their products, we are their biggest export market. You Saffas better get your priorities straight and those hallucinations of your junk god out of your superstitious flat heads before we let our money talk. And we know you'll tie your mothers on a railroad track for money. Get real balls and stop killing other living beings.
Search the stories below on Facebook, and see what people like Mark le Roux is responsible for. As a figure of authority to the braindead, his and his fellow fable spinners' actions have a direct impact on how his sheep deal with animals, while he slaughters their wallets.
We dare not underestimate the severity of his hunting actions and psychological terrorism on society as a whole. If we want to live on a happy, prosperous, sustainable, safe planet, we need to stand up against scum like Le Roux and other animal killers and godsnot spreaders.
Now go find the videos as on the screenshots below, on Facebook. Feel free to send me a friend request there too, IF you are an atheist. All religiots can go fuck themselves, I don't want mentally unstable overgrown children as friends.
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