The verifiable history (first part) of how you got your Bible:
Since several millenia B.C, several religions were practiced. Actually, at least 7200 of it through the centuries. Each copied from another, and adapted as time passed, one god fell out of favor as another one became the default, because of the reigning king of the region's preference.
Basically, campfire stories became folklore became religion. Like Harry Potter will be a Jesus 3.0 over 500 years, and he fell off his broom for your sins. Believe it or get smacked over the head with a broom, and you'll burn in Azkaban if you don't give me money.
In 325, at the Council of Nicaea, Constantine the Great created the Catholic Church after a genocide of 45,000 Jews. The fables of those Jews were plagiarized, and when they complained they became a pain in the seating anatomy. And we know how the Italians take care of annoying snitches, don't we.
At the same time, the books of all the villages of the Roman empire were collected, especially those dealing with different religions. Those, together with appealing campfire stories, were then adapted and the best put together in a book with the title (the) Bible. Probably didn't knew how to spell Bullshit back then, if you ask me.
In 327, Constantine known as the emperor of Rome, orders one Jerome to translate the Vulgate version into Latin, changing the Hebrew proper names for pagan names such as Jehovah and Jesus and thus adulterating the folklore fables, a.k.a scriptures.
In 431, the bedtime story of the Virgin Mary was spun by some unknown woman to get her child to shut up with questions, and the tale was soon added to new versions of the Bible.
In 594, Purgatory was invented. Fuck knows what it is, but it sounds like puke so it fits the brain disease named religion.
In 610, the title of Pope is invented. Because even a baboon deserves a name, and so does the head of the world's largest pedophile ring and extortion syndicate. So Poep it was. Agh I mean Pope.
In 788, worship of pagan deities is imposed. As the Church's grip on society strengthened, more rules were enacted to keep people stupid, ignorant, superstitious, and obedient.
In 995, the meaning of kadosh (set apart) was changed to 'holy'. Centuries later, Boerbarians in South Africa would use the Bible to justify apartheid, and regard it as their holy duty.
In 1079, the 'celibacy' of the priests is imposed. Because a priest molested the child bride of another priest, the king or pope said nobody gets to fuck anyone but school boys again. And so the big drought began till stressed priests started brewing wine and brandy and beer in monasteries.
In 1090, the prayer of the Rosary is imposed. A ridiculous ritual to strengthen beliefs via hypnotic habits to confuckulate the braindead some more.
In 1184, the Inquisition is perpetrated. Violence pays, as religious people of peace proved. It spreads the godsnot infection faster than sweet talk.
In 1190, the so-called indulgences are sold.
In 1215, confession is imposed on priests. More money, more guilt. Priests now had to share their best secrets on how to seduce a 10-year-old boy with other priests. The pedos were learning the art of grooming while using religion to keep victims and their parents in check.
In 1311, Baptism is imposed on children. Unlocking a new revenue stream, and some parents saw it as a chance to get their child his first annual bath.
In 1439, the nonexistent Purgatory is dogmatized.
In 1854, the Immaculate Conception was invented. Some fresh bullshit.
In 1870, the idea that the pope is infallible prevails. But pictures today proves it's nonsense.
More than 2500 inventions by the Catholic Church are historically recorded, with psychologists pointing out the role fear, repetition, and force plays in it. All three are proven techniques during indoctrination models.
The Catholic religion and its infinity of saints were created as a means of manipulation and business. One can rightly call it the predecessor to the Cosa Nostra (Mafia), with its similar business model of 'protection money'.
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