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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Here's Why Boerbarians Support Putin

For several months after Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022, a large percentage of religious right-wing Afrikaners in South Africa openly supported Putin. Maybe even the majority. We definitively know from social media posts that they did not immediately chose Ukraine's side. 

How many Afrikaners are right-wing-oriented on the political spectrum? The majority. How many are religious? At least 80 percent, but the infection rate may be as high as 90%. Take a shocked breath of disgust here. 

Let me just clarify first: In this article I am not talking about Africans, whom are black people and with the majority on that confuckulated continent supporting Russia.

 Instead, I'm talking here about the white-pelted (more creamy, actually) descendants of mainly Dutchmen that founded modern South Africa in 1652 (when the forefathers of today's South African blacks were still in the middle of the continent, fighting each other, with the losers than fleeing southwards in the late 1700s), and which became the ethnic group Afrikaners. The latter named and perfected the concept apartheid that their British colonizers introduced there. British classism, Boerbarian division. Bc = Bd. Like religious mathematics, you see. 

More specifically, I'll be discussing a subcomponent among Afrikaners that call themselves Boers. I refer to them as boerbarians, a portmanteau of boer and barbarian. Thankfully not all Afrikaners are boerbarians, but all boerbarians are Afrikaners and that's why good Afrikaners emigrate. 

Pictured: A six year-old child in the town Ochakiv in the Mykolayiv district, sleeping peacefully in the arms of Jesus after the big bad wolf punched a part of Jesus's arm below her, through her. She suffered for hours there, but it's all part of God's perfect predetermined plan with her short life, and who are we to criticize such an almighty fictional psychopath god. So, pray and congratulate your god-thingy, don't question or you'll burn in the bad spot of Fantasyland. (Is that not how Christians 'think' and sooth their pain? It's just retarded.)

 Even after seeing a flood of horrific images of torn apart children and hearing what Russian soldiers did to innocent civilians in Bucha, did those religious Afrikaners still stick to their guns - they love it as much as the average Republican and regularly shoot defenseless animals with it - and tried to justify what Putin and his war criminals were doing. (But then they claim one needs their mental Aids to have morality.)

Seriously, them boerbarians came up with the most astonishing reasoning on Facebook for why Russia 'had the right to attack Ukraine'. Before 24 February they could not even spell Ukraine and knew absolutely nothing about the country. Frankly, many could not even point out where Russia is on a map, never mind Ukraine. But suddenly, on 24 February, they got the opportunity to flaunt their immorality again by justifying the killing of women, children and let's not forget, innocent men as well.

 All through their reasoning ran religion like a shit stain, and the debunked propaganda the Russian media house RT pumped onto social media. Some even believed that the images coming out of Bucha were photoshopped by the 'Soros cabal.' Poor Georgie-boy was once again blamed for a host of new conspiracy theories. Like the biological batshit crazy weapons of mass destruction Ukraine has, because RT said so it must be true.

  Also, Ukraine bred radioactive bats with superpowers at Chernobyl that they wanted to unleash onto us, and Putin saved us. Just believe it because Putin loves you. 

The Boerbarati (and you thought the Illuminati was bad?!) I'm ranting about here fell head line and sinker for the Kremlin-fabricated lies that pays the salaries at RT. And, sadly, that immoral component makes up a significant percentage of religious Afrikaners, maybe even the majority. 

BTW, RT became the new favorite of superstitious Afrikaners because America's Fox News fell somewhat out of favor with them after their hero Trump lost the US presidential election. And one can only withstand Tucker Carlson's face for so long before the stomach gets turned upset down. So bring us some trustworthy news from an oppressive state, paid for and operated by said state, please. 

Religious Afrikaners - boerbarians, as I call them - are beyond extremely gullible. (Also semi-iliterate and unable to spell and express themselves in their own language Afrikaans, and they love physically assaulting their own children and solving problems with physical violence. Did someone say cavemen.) 

Just start your pitch to peddle a pyramid scheme to them with the magical hypnotic anchor word 'amen', and both their brain cells get switched off right away. The potatoheads are then ripe for the picking to make vodka with. 

   Ask any pastor, like the bullshitter Rooies Strauss (that tried shooting his own son when the latter was a toddler) that recently went on an exotic destination holiday to Ukraine to peddle fictional fables to exhausted war victims in exchange for their real hrivnias.

  The same Strauss - a pureblood boerbarian - also had a recent mental episode when his brain tripped up. Of course he described it in other words, but tomato tomatoe. He said a hostile ghost - that he calls a 'demon' - attacked him while he was gossiping to voices in his head about other people. His left cheek was left paralyzed for 15 minutes afterwards, he told a Christian magazine.

 His followers on Facebook entered drooling mode and flooded his timeline with slippery godsnot. They were, being boerbarian, unable to recognize the classic symptoms of a mental episode. The lame cheek? Who knows, either a light  temporary stroke, or he bitchslapped himself. Or a fed-up bee stung him. 

Another time - also on the screenshot above in the middle - patient Rooies said he is so jealous that his son Andrus - who learned his father's crooked trade by also bullshitting people with fable-talk on street -  got spit on by someone in Ethiopia. His son is so blessed, Rooies says. WTF. Are you blessed if someone should spit on you, dear reader?

But I'm changing my mind. Lying to people and committing emotional terrorism with threats of fire may after all not be such easy cash as I previously thought. Any sane person would quit such a criminal racket if your victims spit at you.

But back to the topic at hand.

 Only after their braindead heads figured out they support the wrong side of history, did most pro-Putin boerbarians fell quiet. Around May, is my estimate, they figured it out. Or maybe it's because public opinion from more intelligent Afrikaners and ridicule of their primitive reasoning got them to feel like the unwanted one in good company, that made them shut up.

But they still support Putin, make no mistake. A stubborn boerbarian lacks the ability to admit when they're wrong, and secretly many get a kick out of hearing a child gotten gang-raped by 8 Russian soldiers. They're just not so vocal anymore in their idiotic propagation of why Russia is all innocent and pure as winter snow and shit.

Those right-wing Afrikaners, or mostly their daddies and granddaddies, are the ones that kept the apartheid regime alive from 1948 to 1989. They are the ones that ran the show via the almost-covert powerful organization 'Broederbond'. 

  One way the Broeders ('Brothers') kept the regime going, was by scaring the crap out of everyone about the 'Rooi Gevaar' (Red Danger, in English), and how Russia will invade and colonize South Africa, and how Russia was South Africa's biggest enemy. 

Sure, there was an element of truth to it. SA's gold reserves alone would have propped up Russian Communism another ten years or more. Subjecting South Africa to communism would have left the door wide open to conquer the rest of Africa too, and that's why the USA and UK supported SA politically. While Russia would not have colonized SA in the traditional sense of the word, they would have put up a black puppet government, and white people would have gotten de-pelted the same way that happened to white Portugese in Angola. 

Russia was seen as an atheistic country - factually untrue, but try telling that to ignorant people - and that added further motivation to the christ-fucked white zombies in Africa's most southern shithole to hate all things Russian. South Africa even fought a brutal, decades-long - and justified - war in Angola to keep Russian-backed Cubans and black terrorists at bay and out of then South African-controlled Namibia. 

The black South African government since 1994 supports Russia, for obvious historical reasons. Many black ANC terrorists got their military training in Russia, that they then used to build bombs with to blew up white people in restaurants in South Africa. And they got to fornicate and be copulated with by white Russians, and that was kind of an accomplishment back then. An old terrorist never forget such rapey conquests of their youth. Ah the good old days in Moscow. 

And now, the children of those white victims of terrorism support the same immoral, imperialistic, violence-prone Russia. Explain that logic to me as if I'm as retarded as them, please. 

Without exception, the specific component of Afrikaners mentioned here that support Putin are all religious. They want a Jesus 2.0 they can worship, and you're up, Vladimir. These boerbarians still admire Trump, too, but he's just so last year, you know. Liberals are scum for wanting the sun to shine over others. Vaccines are bad and science is from the devil. (That is, till they fall ill, then out the window god-thingy flies and off to the scientific hospital we go.)

When NASA released images from the James Webb telescope a week or three ago, it was immediately discredited by boerbarians as being faked, and that the universe is really just 6000 years old, and that the moon landings never happened, and that no astronaut ever went to space, etcetera. But a snake, a donkey, and a bush on fire could talk. And they tell all that to their gullible children too, and that makes them incompetent parents, I say. 

The points raised here proves my point that it must have been religion that made those overgrown children so immoral to support an aggressor that threatens to nuke the whole planet. The same country they warned everyone against during apartheid is now suddenly the good guy. How fucked in the head must one be to come to such conclusions?

Is it because the USA had a black president? Is it because the current deputy is 'black' (but really, brown.) Is it because the brown (called 'colored' in SA) South African comedian Trevor Noah is so wildly successful in New York? Is it because the Letter Brigade (LGBTQIBSICLUYL and counting) is not all too welcome in neither Russia nor the Bible? Sure Russia is beautiful and exotic, but 70% of its citizens - and it is a total coincidence that they like Putin - are pretty backwards and low on the IQ-scale.

 A study in 2011 by Duke University proved that religious beliefs physically shrinks the frontal part of the brain. The part responsible for objective, critical reasoning and thinking, yes. Engage with any boerbarian on Facebook (good luck to Google trying to translate their spelling) and you'll have real proof of superior idiotism beneath your fingers. Remember to wash your hands afterwards, please. 

Subconsciously, religiots want the world to be destroyed, to come to an end. Because then their god-thing - that's allegedly everywhere, but don't point out the contradiction to them - will return to earth to rapture their superstitious asses. That's why they don't really care about protecting this planet and not shooting animals and not screwing up the environment, because after death they're getting a better place to stay, see. 

This also explains the denial of religiots that climate change is happening and that humans are responsible for it. The more they deny it, the more their governments delay enacting laws to curb climate change. Till it's too late, and then blaming religion - as we can do already now, with sufficient evidence too - is not going to cool us down. 

So how does the mental virus religion really fits into this story? What's the link between superstitious Afrikaners and Putin himself? I can sum it up in one word, and I'm going to give that mighty word its own paragraph:


Is that even a word? Should it rather be 'enabling'? Or just 'enable'? Anyway, now the gist of this article is cemented in your brain thanks to the little hypnotic trick of repeating an anchor word I used, which is why you're going to share the article... Look at your finger on the phone... You are now hypnotized... You now want to share this article... 


But back to 'enablement.' Putin knows that Afrikaners traditionally didn't like his country, or rather, the actions it took and the dangers it pose to world peace since 1947. And yet, now they support him. And so do millions of blacks across the mismanaged, corrupt continent of Africa, and elsewhere. So certainly what Putin is doing must be right then, just look at all the support he gets. So roll on forth those tanks to Ukraine, comrades. Start giving our nukes pretty baby boy names, Viktoriv Agfokitog. 

That's the danger. Religious Afrikaners got their morality corrupted by godsnot, now they support Putin, which makes him feel all long-dicked and enabled to continue towards World War 3. 

That is what all us sane people must oppose, everywhere. Not over the barrel of a gun, but by using our big boy words. Like 'voertsek!'; it works well on boerbarians when they deploy their idea of logic.

I'm not scared of a nuke falling in my backyard, but more if one should fall a hundred kilometers away and engulfs me in a dosage of free radioactivity. And so should you. 

We need to stamp out any and all beliefs that are not backed by solid, verifiable evidence. Religion paralyzes people from taking real action to help others. 

Thus, religion first, it is after all the original fake news. This will eradicate 95% of all conflicts, hatred, discrimination, and violence around the world. (But how to convince Muslims they admire a pedophile, that Muhammad goat fucker guy, that titled himself a prophet?)

And then we can start working on Russians to explain why Ukraine is a sovereign country with the right to choose which clubs it wants to join and what neighbors to hang out with. 

Believing Ukraine is not a country, while all evidence thoroughly points to the exact opposite, is an erroneous, religious-like belief. Such unfounded beliefs cause wars. 

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