Came across the below, heartbreaking post of one Sheena Bennett, on Facebook. Photos also from there, since it was placed in the public domain. Take a close look at it. Let it break your heart.
Ultimately, this short article may save the lives of some children, and then I don't care how rude you may think I am. If my response below her call gets parents to think about what they do to their children by infecting them with religion, I would have reached my goal.
I'm pasting Sheena's post exactly as I found it on Facebook, with my comment below it. Yep, I'm going to look like the rude douchebag. It's still better than a child getting a body bag. Think about what I said at the end.
Do note the irony right in the post of the grieving parent. It seems she's not even aware of it, and that spurred me on to write this article. And, spoiler alert, I'll close off with some irony of my own too. This is the raw truth of bullying. A 12 year old boy who felt like leaving his life was the only escape. This boy is my nephew, a son, a brother, a grandson, and cousin, a friend, and a very big piece of our hearts, and great big part of our life, and now he’s a memory.
I have to watch my sister and brother in laws world fall apart, and my nieces try to go on without their brother. I had to sit my 6 year old son down and tell him that his best friend had to go to heaven and he wouldn’t get to see him again. Something no family should ever have to go through.
I am broken that I will never get to see my blue eyed boy again in this life, I am broken for Samie and and Andy, that I won’t get to watch him play basketball, or torment his sisters, and teach my son the love of a big brother and a best friend.
I am heartbroken and I am Angry. Anyone who knew Draykey knew what real love was. That kid had the biggest heart, and love for anyone he had in his life. He lived to make others smile. I wish he could have seen the army he’s had behind him the whole time. He tried so hard to fight, and I just wish he knew he didn’t have to fight alone.
Teach your kids kindness, and compassion, love for others. Drayke wanted to change the world, and in the 12 years he was here, he did that and more! He was the light of our family. For someone to make him feel like that wasn’t enough is why we as parents need to teach our kids better. We need to stand up. Because now our family, his mom and dad, and his sisters have to spend the rest of our lives without our Draykey.
Watch over your family buddy, and your friends. We all need you right now. I wish every second that I could go back and change this outcome. So instead I’m going to fight for you, to make a difference in this world. I love you forever Kam man misses you so much.
I believe it's the mother on the photo above, and as rude as I'm going to sound here, my heart truly goes out to her and everyone else affected by the young boy's untimely passing.
Here is what I said, after sharing Sheena's post to my FB timeline:
A young kid died, because he was bullied and could not handle it anymore. By whom? By many, but, also by everyone that ever told him some bullshit along the lines of 'repent now or you'll go to hell."
Yes, that too is bullying. Emotional terrorism. Psychological extortion.
I know, because as child I had to listen to those lies myself, I still vividly remember the dread that those tales filled me with. The disgust when I was older and saw through the many inconsistencies.
Now, as adult of just seven-hundred-and-forty-nine years old (fucking believe it, you believe the 900 years Noah shit!), I'm doing as Sheena asked people to do, albeit in a way she didn't had in mind. I'm standing up against the lies being told to children. Lies that causes them harm, bullshit gullible them believe is real, and that harms them for life.
No, that deceased kid is not in heaven. Nor in hell. Except if you can prove otherwise. Also, with space for just 244 000 souls according to the 'book of bullshit truth', and 6 million Jews dead in just 6 years during WW2, any kid sooner or later discover the magic of mathematics in school. And that Heaven was fucking full ages ago. Thus, the kids figure out their childhood friend must be in Hell, and are then traumatized all over again. Yes, talking from personal experience here.
When a parent tells his own child a little friend is now in heaven, that's lying. That's dishonest behavior, and teaches the child dishonesty too. The child will get older, still remember the death of his friend, still remember what the parent said, and be old enough to spot the lie. And learn the lesson that one can lie to others instead of telling them the truth. What parenting is that?
So, why lie to children in the first place? If you wanna fuck and breed, you must be parent enough to figure out how to be honest and truthful to your kids as well, at any age, using age-appropriate language.
You think the little friends of atheist children don't die too? Well, their parents don't console them with dishonesty.
Statistics show that atheist children when grown up have better self-esteem, are more successful in life, and have more compassion for others - like, you know, towards those on the brink of suicide - than religiots that tend to be judgemental as fuck. Clearly them hearing their childhood friend that died and then not being filled with lies about it, was not detrimental to them. They also weren't filled with dread and confusion about an all-powerful god-thing doing nothing to save their buddy, despite the Bible promise that God will protect his children. He didn't, did he?
The irony I'm closing off with here, is that my very post here for speaking the inconvenient truth, will be seen by religiots (read: overgrown children themselves that cannot handle reality, that needs imaginary places) as bullying too. I'm bullying the fuck out of you for bullying your children with lies, yes.
How broken had the mental illness religion and unfounded beliefs not made this planet. Stop infecting your children with dangerous fables.
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