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Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Evolution of A Telescope Will Hunt Down Every Cloud Daddy

Did you know that gravity – that you can prove yourself by dropping a Bible into a toilet – is regarded till this day by scientists as 'only a theory'?

You will of course also then be able to prove that the Bible is only good to block a drain. It doesn't work well as doorstop; dogs tend to piss on it. But that's beyond the scope of this short article.

Scientists prefer to use the term 'scientific theory' instead of 'fact'. Basically, when they establish a fact, they say it's a fact based on all verified information available at present, and that's why they call it a scientific theory. More information may come to light in the future, changing that scientific theory. Ordinary people call it in layman's terms a fact, excluding religiots when facts threaten their hallucinations.

We know the earth used to be flat because it looked flat, long, long, long ago before science evolved and new methods were developed that proved it is round. And then some more accurate methods were developed, proving that the earth is not exactly round, but a sphere. For all we know, we may establish in the future that the earth is actually a roundish box-like cube. LMAO.

Unfortunately, many people today really believe the earth is flat, because some Jewish goat fuckers centuries ago that were high as a kite sniffed powdered camel droppings and wrote it down in a ridiculous book. And to save on papyrus, they left out the leaf saying 'this is a work of shitty fiction only'.

Scientists can prove evolution is real, that it happened, and that it continues to happen right this very second. Understanding evolution is really not difficult, which is why it baffles me that religious people cannot grasp even the basics. The brain damage religion causes is indeed serious.

Evolution is really just the collective term of many processes changing, that changes as a result of changes elsewhere that have an impact on the former. (My English sucks, I know.)
When something changes, something else changes too, in order to adapt. If not, it will die or be destroyed.

There are a gazillion examples of evolution, many happening right under our noses. The German Alsatian dog changed dramatically in the past 100 years, with its spine drooping lower at the rear now than that of the first Alsatians. That because of selective breeding by human breeders, that tried to breed a stronger dog. One can see it vividly on photos. (Blow me if I can find the two photos I had as proof.)

The watermelon itself today looks vastly different from one in the 1800s, the same with tomatoes. We as humans have an effect on everything around us, and our actions – whether deliberately like with our genetically modified foods, or indirectly – forces whatever living beings we come in contact with, to change in order to adapt. They, too, have an effect on their surroundings, just think of invasive species in an area and how it either destroys other species or forces it to adapt in order to survive.

A study found that animals are now hunting later at night in order to avoid human activity. They quite literally wait for us to go to bed before they start hunting for food, making the time available to them less and thus limiting their chances of a successful hunt. That's why you should go to bed when the sun goes down, Chuckie.

I came across an interesting yet boring to most example of a tree, that adapted in order to keep deer from chewing its leaves.

If Holly (Ilex aquifolium) finds its leaves are being nibbled by deer, it switches genes on to make them spiky when they regrow. So on taller Holly trees, the upper leaves (which are out of reach) have smooth edges, while the lower leaves are prickly.

These are just a few examples of evolution, and anyone can observe and study it thanks to the internet and so many other free or cheap tools available. Even the changing climate can be studied by any amateur with some meteorological instruments, although it may be a bit late to get started now trying to prove it's not changing.

Yet religious people keep on questioning evolution and outright deny it. Why? Because evolution proved that we humans evolved from the 'missing link.' Or, in layman's terms, from a primate like a baboon. Scientists are just not exactly sure from which one, since there are so many species and some went extinct long ago. We share deep in the 90 percent of our DNA with rats, primates, and even tigers.

We humans are part of the animal kingdom, we are mammals, we are highly-evolved primates. Those are scientific facts, well-established, and based on strong verified facts.

Evolution proved that we developed (evolved) over a period of millions of years, till there was such a clear distinction between primitive humans and our common ancestor that we could be classified as a new species. A new Superman baboon, if you will.

Then we branched out into different races, as people that migrated due to conflicts had to adapt to their new environments. Just like you get many dog races, or breeds, same thing.

All Homo sapiens were once black, originating from what is South Africa today. They fought and molested each other and so on, and some said screw it, we're moving. And they went deeper into Africa, developed a darker skin to adapt to the scorching hot sun, fought some more, with some then hitching a ride on a camel to North Africa. Evolved a bit further, fought some more, ended up in cold Europe, where their skin became lighter over thousands of years. These are proven facts.

That's the big issue for religiots. None of it happened in just 6 days, as an outdated Jewish book of folklore claims. It took at least 120 000 years, according to archeologists. By accepting facts about evolution, the religiot have to admit that his Bible is baloney.

Scientists can prove that the universe – that the Bible claims was created in just 6 days – was 'created' 14.5 billion years ago, and the process of creation is still going on, as the universe keeps on expanding. So, not 6 days. Hence the term 'Big Bang', like that of an explosion. What happened before that big bang is still unclear to scientists, but that's no excuse to fabricate answers, like religiots do.

Scientists can prove our planet is around 4 billion years old, thus, not 6000 years as the Bible claims.

Evolution, and per implication science, disproved the existence of any and all gods ever worshiped on planet Earth. When your religiotic forefathers didn't know what the sun was, they called it a god, fought wars over it and killed each other questioning it, and burned some innocent women alive as sacrifice. Then scientists figured it out, and the god Ra saw his ass being bumped onto the bookshelf for fiction. The same happened to thunder and the god Thor, and Mars, and others. The same is happening to the Christian god-thing and the Islamic allah-is-not-akbar today.

The amusing part? The James Webb Telescope was launched on 25 December 2021, and that date can be called its birthday. It is set to debunk a lot more religious bullshit. The birth of modern science, ringing in the proverbial death of the bullshit spread by a Jewish fraudster allegedly born on the same date centuries ago.

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