Only 120 Jews in Denmark died during WW2, because every Danish citizen in an act of defiance wore a Star of David after the Nazis ordered Jews to do so. Including the Danish king, how brave. (Fake sniff of admiration here.)
Came across this beautiful story below on one Arthur Bass' timeline. Let me quote his entire post with its deceptive dishonesty first, because it sounds so believable, together with the photo he used (mind you, I me and myself added the text on the photo, for this article, he didn't):
The only Nazi occupied European country whose inhabitants were able to successfully resist the Holocaust was Denmark.
When the Nazis ordered Danish Jews to wear the star of David sewn on their clothes, the next day almost all Danes took to the streets with exactly the same stars.
After this event, the order
"about the stars" was canceled.
Later, after learning of the Nazis ' plans to exterminate the Jews, members of the Danish resistance organized their transportation by sea to Sweden.
Only 120 Danish Jews died during the war.
Hundreds or even thousands of times less than in other European countries.
In the photo - king Christian X with his wife with the stars of David sewn on their clothes.
"Bear one another's burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ."
Except... IT IS A LIE. Yes, fake news. A made-up tale. Pure, undiluted religious bullshit. It was fabricated and spread by Arthur Bass of Tennessee. He is taking gullible Christians (is there any other type of Christian?) for a ride. And man, did they fall like a bag of potatoes for it. Half the comments' section on Facebook is amens and zombies praising the voices in their unstable heads. And no zombie asks why their god-thingy couldn't protect 6 million Jews and 54 million others that died elsewhere during the war.
We all know how dishonest of character the mental disease religion makes its victims, and Arthur Bass is no exception. He fabricated a fable, all in order to sneakily slip in his godsnot at the end.
All that's true is that brain-damaged religiots apparently require made-up fairy tales to learn real morals. But then they inevitably find out they were lied to, and out the window the moral lesson goes too.
Such stories are powerful, because they evoke emotion. Especially when the zombie has 5000 friends on Facebook that spread his tales. And as we know from psychology, during a period of emotional upheaval the slow, critical-thinking, analytical conscious mind 'switches off', with the brain then falling back onto the fast, yet very subjective subconscious mind to make decisions. That's when a person acts according to beliefs brainwashed into him over a period of years.
It is common for immoral religiots - they all are - to mix fact and fiction freely. First dish up a fairy tale, add some real life facts in there to make it sound believable, and then drag in godsnot at the end. You'll see such stories by the truckload on social media, and this post of mine is an act of protest to expose such behavior. The internet and future generations deserve to know by name who deceived people.
The subconscious mind cannot differentiate between fact and fiction, hence the reason why the critical, conscious mind is so important to first filter out bullshit. Unfortunately, the latter is underdeveloped in children, which is why they are so gullible and why they believe anything people in positions of authority tells them. And with religiots being overgrown children themselves whose mental capabilities froze at age 10, they remain as impressionable.
The photo Arthur Bass peddles is a famous photo by the Soviet war journalist and photographer Yevgeny Khaldei. It's a well-known photo of a couple in Budapest's Jewish ghetto soon after the Red Army drove Nazi forces out of the Hungarian capital. The photo has nothing to do with the Danish King!
In fact, Jews in Denmark were never even required to wear that religious symbol. If Arthur Bass did even a scrap of basic research, he'd known it.
This is how dangerous fake news and misinformation spread. Arthur Bass is directly responsible for getting superstitious idiots to believe yet another piece of fiction. And yet, all of this could have been prevented if Christians weren't so afraid of reading and questioning what they read.
Arthur Bass did not even mention the name of the king of Denmark at the time, which is Frederick IX, by the way. Because that would make it easier for Christians to do a quick PreSearch and see through his scam.
Naturally, I went over to the dishonest character's profile, I wanted to see what big a piece of shit we're dealing with here. Because I don't know about you, but I absolutely detest it when someone lies to me.
Surprise, surprise... It's a man from the most dishonest profession on earth, that of a lawyer! Attorneys do have a well-deserved ill reputation, and it is because of lawyers like Arthur Bass.
But that's not all. While Bass plays lawyer during day, he also works at, or is involved with 'Episcopal Church Memes'. Meaning, he is actively and on purpose creating religious memes and spreading fake news to advance a vile agenda of indoctrination. I don't know if that death cult is paying him for his services, but a lawyer rarely does something without benefitting from it somehow. Arthur Bass didn't just spread one fake little story, no, he fabricates that shit in bulk.
As lawyer, it is impossible that he didn't double-check his facts about the Danish king and the plight of Danish Jews first, it comes as standard practice in the legal profession. So he must have known the photo isn't even that of the Danish king, yet he still went ahead, committing an unethical crime by spreading fake information while knowing that his victims aren't the type to think and question.
The dangers of fake news is well-known, and even led to many deaths in the very recent past. The Capitol Hill insurrection is but one example of how dangerous fake news are when people believe it despite facts to the opposite. Or how about 900 people drinking poison after believing fake news from a pastor a few decades ago? Spoiler alert, they all died.
But hey, why spoil a sweet story with facts, right. Now, let's go tell some judges not to believe anything that the dishonest lawyer peddles as truth in the courtroom.
*Some quick references from creditworthy, reputable (unlike Arthur Bass) sources:
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