The average person spends 8 hours a day in their bedroom. Or 'on the nest', as someone I know refers to it. That's a whopping one third of your life. There is no need to state the importance of proper and enough sleep to you, you know yourself how grumpy you feel after too little or bad sleep.
If you spend 8 hours a day in a horizontal position — or you should, anyway — multiplied with 365 days a year, times just 65 years because you didn't get proper sleep, you will be in there for a whopping 189 800 hours!
Naturally, having a good mattress is vital, and experts say you should get a new one every 8 tot 10 years. There is more to good sleep than just a good mattress, though. Your environment plays an important role. Is it quiet enough? Dark enough? Do you go to bed at the same time as you should? No munching a snack for at least 3 hours before bedtime?
Because I broke all the good rules above, I had a really bad week. But a problem is an opportunity for a solution, right. I surfed the net and came across some photos of bedrooms, and it was an eye-opener. And, mind you, pretty cheap to set up something similar in your own bedroom as well.
Here the photos are, and I added some text to each photo. Hope it gives you some ideas for your own bedroom. As I mentioned on the photo above, a DIY-course in home interior design is the best gift you can give yourself. Or — wink wink — to the person in your life you're going to drum up to turn the bedroom into a fairyland, because it's fairly cheap to make all these alterations yourself.
We all know Dreamland is blueish, and a bedroom like this should get you right there.
How difficult can this be to make yourself? Take an old broomstick or three, nail them like on the photo, paint it black, add LED-lights to the one side, and turn it, so the lights face the wall. Total cost: A wife wondering where her flying brooms disappeared to, and two blue thumbs.
This is really cool, even for adults. Just make sure the fluorescent stuff you buy is the safe, non-toxic ones. You can use it with the other ideas on this page too.
For a quick and easy DIY-book about home interior design (why pay an expensive expert when you can do it all yourself?), consider this one.
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