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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Two Heartbreaking Photos

Why should children have to endure this? And what is living in such circumstances doing to them and their parents? Every time I see people living in poverty, I think 'this is visible proof of how society had failed them.'

Of course, one can blame those people for their fate, and rightly so does a number of them deserve it. Many drink, do drugs, are too lazy to work, and more.

But, many of them were fine people who fell on hard times. And only then, after they had lost all hope, did they become bad and alcohol their companion.

What contributed to this decay? Religion. Almost without exception you'll find that poor people are religious. Yet their god isn't helping them. And a sick society, instead of helping each other, rely on a god to help others. So nothing gets done. That's why religious countries experience significant more conflict, and more poverty, than atheistic countries. Because atheists understand that if you want to sleep peacefully tonight, you got to help the neighbor.

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